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I'm sorry...

To those of you that may be reading this book...

To those of you who are entertained right now...

But unfortunately,I've lost interest in writing this book.

The motivation just isn't there any more,and quite frankly,right now,nobody is reading my book :(

I really did enjoy writing this book...and through the 3 chapter I've seen how much I've improved in story writing...

But unfortunately,the spark just isn't there anymore

If enough persons want me to continue writing the book,then maybe I'll think about it.

But right now, 5/23/22 the only readers chapter 2 and chapter 3 has are me :/

I'm just not feeling any motive for writing anymore (This book)

I'm thinking about starting a new series...but I'm not sure how that will go...

I'm sorry

But for now...this is the end and cancelment of Nobody...

But I've started writing something a little different if your interested


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