Ideas 3 (Chapter 1 - Finale)

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As I sat on the couch waiting, I wondered if this was a great idea, if this was the right thing to do, what if this was it what if I would be arrested, I tried to stay calm but with every second that past by I began to regret my choice.

Suddenly I heard a knocking on the door.

As I opened it I couldn't believe my eyes, it was the man with the white lab coat, the person who told me I had the disorder.

Guy With The Lab Coat

Listen, we don't have much time, the police will be here soon! I heard you on the phone and I decided to rush here myself.


Wait,why are you helping me?

Guy with the lab coat

I know what it's like having personality disorder, my daughter is suffering from it.


I'm so sorry

Guy with the lab coat

It's ok,but we have to hurry,why did you call?


It's my mother and my friend th-their gone,someone took them!

Guy with the lab coat

Do you know who?


No,and I have no idea where they are,Please help me!

Guy with the lab coat

We can track your friend! Did she have her phone on her?


Y-Yes she did!

Suddenly he rushed over to Arinna's computer!

Guy with the lab coat

We can use the "Find My Phone" App

~In Austin's Head

Suddenly confusion overcame me as the app said Arinna was inside the house

Guy with the lab coat

That shouldn't be right?


I don't know what's happening

~In Austin's head

As we followed the tracker it led us to the basement, suddenly we heard my mother and Arinna scream!

I rushed to them, crying ,overrun with joy and confusion, suddenly they both screamed and shouted "GET AWAY FROM US YOU MONSTER!"

Suddenly everything came back too me!

~Police Sirens began to play in the background...

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