How you meet him

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You weren't having a hard time. You didn't have money issues, you had a good job, you were building a great life. So why is it you were moving on with your parents after a nasty brakeup? Everything was going so perfect and suddenly it wasn't. Your parents weren't the best, they really tried to be but they just couldn't hold their mouth. They lived in a huge house that you bought for them and they still made comments like, "You promised me grandkids by now and you don't even have a house." Or "You lost a good one, Dan was cute." They really liked your ex but they didn't hear about all the bad things. All the fights and yelling and borderline abuse. You weren't going to tell them either. They were older and the world wasn't so easy for them to understand anymore. You set a box down in your room with a heavy sigh. "This isn't forever." You reminded yourself. You looked out the dusty window, it pointed at the back of the house where the woods lived. It was a bit of a creepy sight. Not a Bob Ross painting for sure. But something drew you to it, it was creepy but you had the urge to go there. You got closer to the widow in an attempt to get a better look at the sea of trees.
"Come to me."
You jumped back at the voice. It sounded like it was right next to your ear but there was nothing. It wasn't a familiar voice, deep and smooth. No one you could think of.
"Go to the woods-"
You shot your head to the doorway to see your mother with her arms crossed.
"I've been calling your name! Get your head out of the clouds girl!"
You glanced behind you at the woods still a bit shaken at the mystery voice. When you looked back at your mom a small hint of concern washed over her eyes for only a moment before annoyance came back.
"Me and your father are going to pick up some pizza. Keep the doors locked." The concern returned. "And go outside a little, the sunlight will bring back that pretty smile I miss so much."
You looked at the floor a bit in embarrassment, a small smile found its way onto your lips. Your mom was satisfied with your reaction and left the old, dusty room. As soon as your parents left you went to explore the house. Your room was upstairs, floors and walls made of wood. The original owner of the house used it for his young daughter, there was pink striped wallpaper peeling off the walls. The ceiling was high and met at a point to create the triangular roof you could see from the outside of the house. It looked like your parents hadn't touched it since they moved in. Across the hall was a small bathroom, it didn't look much better. Dust and dirt, ugly wallpaper that was peeling off. The sink and tub were too small for any adult. And all the handles on the sink and tub were small metal rabbits. This arrangement wasn't forever. But the idea of slowly changing it all excited you. Nothing fancy, just turning the upstairs into something livable. As you walked down the spiraling staircase you were met with the dining room. A large China cabinet decorated the back wall. Pictures and fake vines occupied the other. At the farest end of the table, the head, there was a French window letting in the sun. You sighed at the beautiful lighting. Looking out the window you noticed the woods. You debated whether or not to give onto your curiosity. Biting your lip you made your way into the kitchen where the back door stood. You felt like a child doing something you weren't supposed to. Although no one was home you still kept as quiet as you could. As if you didn't want the house to know what you were up to. After gently closing the door you giggled and gave your undivided attention to the woods. With a mix of paranoid fear and curiosity you walked to the edge of the forest. A perfect line between the cut grass and army of bark. As you stared into the woods your imagination started to take over. You imagined fairies and elves who lived in the trees and made friends with the giants who were scary to anyone else. Not so creepy anymore. These creatures didn't have to deal with bills or jobs or stupid ex boyfriends who refused to get off their butt to do anything! You laughed a little at how childish this was, but it sort of helped. You felt a little better participating in these little fantasies. As you looked at the trees you swore one of them moved making you jump. You brushed it off as your imagination. But the woods didn't seem so magical now, so you turned to go back inside. A hand quickly grasped your shoulder. You froze at the sudden touch. Slowly, turning your head to look at the hand. A large, thin, paper white hand gripping your shoulder. Large claw-like finger tips poked through the fabric of your shirt painfully. This wasn't a dream. The bone on the knuckles were sharp, poking out of the skin like empty branches. You thought about screaming but who would hear you? This road didn't have anyone close enough. Was this hand even human? Suddenly the hand spun you around to face it. No, not it. Him. The Slenderman. He had to be over ten feet tall, the dark suit being a contrast to the white skin. Although he didn't have a traditional face he wasn't expressionless. The skin wrinkled where his eyebrows would be, forming a little circle divots for eyes. His cheekbones protrude slightly. His face was mad. How was he here?! Were you crazy? Some sort of disorder?! You shook with fear, still frozen. You wanted to go back home, back to that crappy boyfriend, you wanted to keep fighting, hating your life. You didn't want to die. Suddenly the man's wrinkles softened.
That deep smooth voice from earlier.
"Not part of my world yet. But not part of society."
What? What was that supposed to mean? Slenderman took the hand from your shoulder and gripped your face.
"You don't deserve to die. But you don't deserve to suffer. You poor broken girl."
You realized the atmosphere had changed. It wasn't full of fear and anger but now sympathy. He almost seemed caring.
"You won't kill me?" You asked softly.
A small chuckle escaped the man. He bent down to get closer to you.
"I'm not a monster."
As he stood up straight his hand retreated as well. He started to turn when you stopped him.
"What do you mean I'm not part of society?" You said louder than you meant to. The tall man watched a bird fly off, likely getting scared by your voice, before answering.
"You're not a monster either."
He was sweet. The Slenderman was sweet. You really didn't think much when you spoke next. All you knew was that your mom sucked and your dad sucked and Dan was so mean and your friends were toxic and this creature was being so nice. The first nice person in a long, long, time. Your words just fell out without your permission.
"Will I ever see you again?"
Slenderman seemed surprised by the question. His shoulders tensed, he took a step back, this time it was his turn to be frozen. A loud car door echoed from the other side of the house.
"You will."
You smiled, tears in your eyes from the greatest interaction in awhile. Your mom's loins voice echoed as muffled words. You turned your head at the noise for a moment before turning back to Slenderman. You ended up only looking at trees. The Slenderman was gone.

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