The Freeze

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A/N Hey guys sorry this chapter is a bit late. I live in Texas and there was a big freeze no to long ago. So some of this is me venting my feelings a bit. But it's also important to the story I hope you all enjoy

It seemed to happen overnight. The world around you became frozen. No power, no cars. It felt like the world had frozen in time. There was a strange sense of fear and calm in infecting your mind. Your parents had gotten trapped at a church activity. They had been spending a lot of time at church. You weren't particularly religious but if it helped you mom get off your back about your ex boyfriend you were just fine with it. You found yourself curled up in several blankets on your couch. A good book rested in your hand, your eyes reading the words. The house was a bit dark with no lights. Not quite dark enough to be blind but not light enough to do anything truly productive. You heard a large crash knocking you away from your book. You abandoned your large pile of blankets exposing your fluffy pajama pants and long sleeved shirt. You walked to the dining room where the large French windows stood. You saw a large tree branch now on the ground. Wasn't the mansion made of trees? Slender had told you how he had made the whole mansion and repaired it constantly. Would the mansion be okay in this weather? We're they freezing? Did they have food? You bit your bottom lip in worry. You've never been to the mansion but you cared about all those kids like they were your own. You wished there was some way to contact Slender. He had no phone and you didn't have a radio. You wished you could tell him to bring the children here, you had plenty of food and warm clothes and blankets. You had half a mind to go out there and look for them. But it would be easy to get lost. It wasn't a smart choice. So you sat in worry. You weren't sure how long you had been sitting there. It felt like minutes. But when knocking on the back door dragged you out of your own mind you realized the sun was much lower. You went to the back door and opened it a few inches. You saw Slenderman and Sally dressed in warm clothes. Sally had on a pink dress with fur on the trim and collar, she had white leggings under it and black boots all paired with some mittens and earmuffs. Slenderman had on a long black jacket with black fur poking out to match Sally's. He seemed to have his normal suit underneath. They both carried a few reusable bags filled with who knows what. You quickly opened the door and let them in.
"Come inside, you two must be freezing!"
You shut the door behind them and locked it as if that would protect you from the cold any better.
"No need to worry, we are plenty warm. We brought you some supplies."
Sally set her bags on the floor next to the counter. Slender set his on the counter before moving his daughters. Sally coughed violently into her sleeve. Slenderman patted her back. Once she was silent he asked her to go wash up her face and hands in the bathroom. You waited till the child was upstairs to speak.
"Is she alright?" You asked.
"Yes she's fine. I think the cold is giving her some allergies."
Slender began unpacking the bags. How was he so calm? The world was turned upside down today and he was calm?
"Slenderman, it's too cold for a child to be outside. I can't imagine the shape of the mansion."
Slender stopped what he was doing to look at you and tilt his head slightly.
"Dear, the mansion still has power. Everyone is warm and enjoying hot beverages. A few left to hand out supplies to others but we're just fine."
How did a mansion in the middle of the woods in the worst snowstorm in history still have power? You suddenly found yourself a bit jealous. You missed the heat. You'd do anything to share a pot of tea with Slender right now.
"And I think she needed to get out of the house for a bit. She seemed paranoid. It's not normal for her."
He was worried. He didn't need a face for you to tell what he was feeling. If one of his children went missing Slenderman would tear the world apart to find them. He was tough at times but loved every one of his proxies. Of course he noticed when Sally started acting strange. You helped Slender unpack the bags. There was food, tea, battery operated stove top, a few gallons of water, and a small battery operated heater. You couldn't help but blush, Slender thought about your well-being.
"Can I help?"
You both looked at the bottom of the stairs to see Sally smiling.
"Of course sweetie." You told the child.
The two helped you organize the products, Slender even threw out some food he knew wouldn't keep without the fringe powered on. And of course Slenderman went the extra mile to make sure you were comfortable. He and Sally made a small dome shaped fort out of your blankets and pillows. He put the heater in the back to trap the heat inside. It was beautiful, soft and comfortable. In fact, Sally had fallen asleep in it while you and Slender made tea.
"I hope she's not getting sick." Slender said, gazing at the small girl.
"You've said it many times before, you have the best doctor at your mansion. If she is getting sick I'm sure he'll have her fixed up in no time."
That seemed to comfort your boyfriend. He did bost about Dr. Smiley quite a bit. Slenderman quickly changed the subject.
"Will this be enough for you? Do you need anything else?"
You giggled at his worry.
"This is fine Slendy, more than I could ever ask for."
Your boyfriend always took care of those around him. How could anyone see him as a monster? He cared for anyone that needed it, despite their past or flaws. He made sure those who suffered now had a life they could only dream of. You've never met a human as caring and loving as the Slenderman was. You loved him so much.
"Oh, there is one last thing I need to give you." He set down his cup and dug into his large coat pocket. He pulled out a black walkie-talkie. It had two dials, one to control volume and the other to control channels. You took it gently as if it was as fragile as an egg.
"This way you can always contact me or the others."
You gave him a tight hug as thanks. The two of you sat there talking til the tea was gone. Then Slender scooped up his daughter and headed back to the mansion. You were going to make it past this storm. With the help of the mansion there was nothing you couldn't do.

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