F is for Feelings

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You kinda realized you had feelings for the tall creature in the woods awhile ago. But you didn't think he would ever have feelings back. And if he did, how would it work? What if Enders dated differently than humans? Would killers start hunting you down? You like Slenderman a lot, but you were scared of the unknown. So you started doing everything you could to get rid of what you called a 'small crush.' You put your focus and passion towards the renovations of your room and bathroom. Slenderman was excited to help you, he had decided himself that he knew more about this sort of stuff than you did. You didn't believe it at first but once you learned Slender built the mansion almost single handed you quickly let him take charge. (A/N fun fact I recently learned that my grandpa on my moms side built houses by himself all the time. This head cannon could actually be possible😂)
You felt like your overwhelming feelings for Slender were calming down. You didn't blush every time he looked your way. That was progress right? But at night you still imagined him holding you close to his chest and keeping you safe. Your dreams quickly betrayed you as well, you often dreamed of going out on dates with the faceless man, cuddles, romantic moments, and most importantly you felt safe. That was the hardest part to shake. You were so used to taking care of everything with your ex boyfriend and your parents. But Slender was helping you with the things you wanted to do, he always helped with dishes when you had tea, he'd help cook and clean as well. He wouldn't do it for you which you also appreciated. He treated you like a capable person. You felt safe to ask for help when you needed it, you felt safe to be yourself, to be weak, strong, mature, stupid, and everything in between. And this made your heart skip beats. You still continued to force your feelings down. Slenderman could be your boyfriend in your dreams, just not in reality. You and Slender had been working hard for hours and decided a lunch break was in order. As you two walked down the stairs you noticed how dusty you both were. Your hair had turned white from the thick layer of dust, so had your clothes. Slender wore some old black dress pants and an old white button up that were now almost as white as his skin. The creature looked back to see a trail of dust on the floor and in the air. He let out a mumbled, 'oh dear' and faced you. He didn't want to make a mess of your house especially since you shared it with your parents.
"Maybe we should clean up a bit before lunch?" You offered.
Slender was quick to agree. You offered to let him use the down stairs shower but he had insisted the upstairs was more than fine for a quick shower. You smiled at his generosity. He was letting you use the bigger shower. You told him if he leaves his clothes outside the door you would get the dust off before you would shower, he agreed and made his way to the bathroom. When he shut the door you went into your room to grab some clothes. You saw the corner where you and Slender were sanding smoothly. It was the last of your new wall. You two had been working for a while tearing down the wall paper and placing beautiful stained wood in its place. You had laid plastic over your bed to keep it clean from the dust. You debated whether you should take off the plastic now or tonight. You glanced at the trash bag half full of swept dust. Slender insisted we keep it as clean as possible. It was a good move. You went to your closet looking at the clothes. What should you change into? You looked at the outfit you had on now, Jean overalls that went down to your ankles, and a pink crop top underneath. Great for working in but not the best fashion choice. You looked back at your closet. You and Slender seemed done working for the day, maybe you would go for a walk outside after lunch? You picked out a cream, mini sweater dress. It was very soft and warm. You couldn't remember where you got it from. It just showed up in your closet one day with a matching hat. You picked out a pair of black leggings, a fresh pair of undergarments. You left your room to find a pile of dusty clothes right outside the bathroom. You picked them up and made your way to the downstairs bathroom. You placed your clean clothes on the counter and all of Slender's dusty clothes in the shower. You knew there wouldn't be time to go through a whole wash and dry cycle so you rinsed them down in the shower bringing back the original colors. You quickly walked down the hall, threw them in the dryer and ran back to the bathroom. You undressed and placed your now white clothes on the floor in the corner. You could take care of those later. You let your hair down and checked the water with your hand before walking in and closing the curtain. The warmth was heaven on your skin. You closed your eyes to enjoy the feeling. You never wanted to leave. That was, until your stomach growled loudly. You started to wash your body and hair, working to get all the white off you. It took longer than expected but you had never felt so clean. You grabbed your towel and dried yourself off. The fresh clothes on your clean body made you feel beautiful. So beautiful you decided to blow dry your hair; it put some natural curl in your hair which you loved. You felt a boost of confidence as you walked out the bathroom. But you quickly grew embarrassed when you walked into Slenderman wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. It easily wrapped around his slender figure covering what it needed to. That didn't mean the rest of him was covered. He held his now folded, dry clothes in his hands. Red blush dusted what could only be described as his cheeks.
"Sorry, I was just grabbing my clothes." He said with a small stutter.
"It's alright, I'll start on lunch."
Slenderman disappeared up the stairs seeming just as embarrassed as you. You tried to shake the image of his bare strong arms and chest, a few water droplets still there making his skin glisten. You slapped your face to get the thoughts out of your head. You decided some pasta and salad would make a great lunch. You filled a small pot with water and placed it on the stovetop. You added a pinch of salt to make it boil faster. You quickly pulled out the ingredients for the salad along with a cutting board and a large knife. You got a good rhythm of cutting that helped you recover from the embarrassing moment. Slender came down a moment later, a tent of red hardly visible on his non-face. You smiled as a greeting continuing to chop the carrots. A small part of you hoped you could catch Slender taking a bite. He seemed to always time when he ate so you wouldn't see him actually eat. Your curiosity was killing you. How did the creature without a mouth eat?! You could ever see him taking a bite.
"Can I help you?" Slender asked.
You nodded and motioned to the stovetop.
"Could you take care of the pasta?"
Slender quickly got to work. It was silent for a moment. Just the sound of juicy veggies being cut and bubbling water.
"I've been thinking," Slender started, "maybe it's about time you see the mansion."
A burst of excitement flooded your brain, you had been telling Slender you wanted to help him in the mansion ever since you heard about it. You tried hard to hide your excitement, you had a sharp knife and you couldn't let yourself become too distracted.
"I would love that!"
You heard Slender chuckle at your reaction. Dammit, you weren't very good at hiding how happy you were.
"I was hoping I could introduce you as..."
Slender paused, taking a silent breath of courage.
"My girlfriend."
That's what made you stop your chopping. You were dreaming right? You could never date Slenderman in the real world so this had to be a dream. What would he see in you? How would it work? What if this was all one big joke?
"Are you messing with me?" You asked expecting him to laugh and playfully tussle your hair.
"No, not at all! I'm embarrassed to say I've grown some great feelings for you and I would like us to try dating."
Slender kept his non-existent face to the pot even though there wasn't anything to do but wait for the noodles to cook. He couldn't quite get the bravery to look at you. He thought there were many cons to this. He had many enemies, he couldn't stop his proxies from hurting you if they all decided to do so, you would be a known weakness, would you even be okay with a relationship? There's a lot of concerns but the thought of being more than friends seemed worth it to him. He was scared he was making the wrong choice, something he hasn't feared in a long time. It was quiet as Slenderman waited for your answer, he understood that you wanted to think it out. He had to do the same. You went through several responses in your head, which would be the best? You wanted this, you really really wanted this. But how could you accept it? Slender was part of a world you had no idea of, he wasn't even human. But he made you feel better than any human ever had.
"Sure, we can try this out. You can tell them."
You picked up your knife again reminding yourself of the lunch you were preparing. Slenderman took this as a cue that the conversation was over and turned off the stove to drain the noodles.
Just with a few words your entire relationship changed. You two were now lovers. You really couldn't even process it yet, you weren't convinced that this wasn't one big dream. You were now dating the Slenderman.

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