You Saw Him Kill

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A/N this chapter might be a little dark and it may express some darker themes that might be disturbing. Read with caution. Stay safe.

You were never too clear of what exactly Slender does. You knew the rumors, but that's all they were. At least that's what you thought. You couldn't imagine Slender killing people just to kill. He was sweet, kind, understanding, and he took care of many children. How could he be seen as so evil? Slender didn't bring you to the mansion yet, he didn't want you to fully emerge into his life all at once. That would be dangerous. But sometimes life doesn't follow our plan and forces people to witness things they weren't ready to witness. Although winter had been moving in fast there seemed to be a day where the sun came out to warm the ground just enough for the birds and squirrels to enjoy. With most in the mansion enjoying the day Slender thought it was a good opportunity to show you the mansion. For those who planned to stay in the mansion, Slenderman quickly put to work. He came to your house to escort you safely. The plan was to give you a tour of the mansion, let you take in all the empty rooms and a quick summary of who lived there. Slenderman was telling you the history of the woods when his radio went off.
"Is anyone in the outer ring of the woods? I've got a dead girl walking on my tail!"
You two were close to the area. Slenderman had to make a choice. Would he protect his proxy? Or protect your innocents? He pressed the small button on the radio.
"Lead her to the south end."
Slender set the radio on a nearby rock. He slipped off his jacket and set it down as well. His radio beeped with a reply.
Slenderman rolled up his white sleeves seemingly preparing for something physical.
"I'm sorry dear but I'm needed at work. Please sit here where I can keep you safe." He gestured to the rock.
You nodded. You were excited to see Spenderman at work. You heard about the paperwork but never this part. After a moment of silence you decided to start up a conversation.
"So what does 'Dead girl walking' mean?" You asked, referring to the radio call.
Slenderman didn't turn in your direction as he spoke.
"It means a troublesome female victim is refusing to die."
It took you a moment to process his words. But once you had your excitement was quickly replaced with confusion and fear. You saw a boy with a black and white scarf run in your direction with a figure following him. Slender stepped behind a tree and waited. The boy ran right past you and did not even look back. He was simply a blur. The girl's long brown braid was quickly snatched by your boyfriend. She cried in pain. Slenderman revealed himself from hiding. The girl immediately kicked her leg up right into Slender's face. This created a small gash on his cheek. You felt Slender's energy change. He was pissed. Crimson blood trickled down his face.
"Your fate is sealed and you still choose to fight it?"
You had a side view of what was going on. The girl didn't dare to move as slender started to change. His skin ripped like fabric, your eyes went wide. You weren't quite sure what you were looking at. The Slenderman had ripped his skin and used the shear strength of his jaw to reveal his mouth. He had a mouth. It was filled with rows of sharp teeth with a long, pink tongue. The skin along his gums was jagged, in strips. Was this still the creature you fell in love with? Had he been hiding this from you?
"Your soul will relieve this pain over and over, never resting after death."
His voice was jagged, like a thousand demons screaming. Slenderman picked up the girl by her hair, and tied it to a branch, she begged for forgiveness. Slenderman used his sharp claws to dig into her arm, he dragged his hand up all the way to the girl's shoulder. She screamed in pain and pleaded. Blood oozed rapidly from her arm. It quickly created a large stream under her. It only took minutes for her screams to become choked and eventually she became quiet. You couldn't breathe. Slenderman had made it look as if her wounds were self-inflicted. All you heard was your own heartbeat. He made her suffer because she fought against him. Your body shook violently. He killed her because he could. Slenderman was a murder. It was worse than the rumors. All you could see was her scared, pleading face.
"Y/N? Y/N!"
You snapped back to the present. Slenderman's mouth was gone, back to its flat surface. He had his coat back on, though it wasn't buttoned, the wrinkles on his face told you he was concerned.
"Are you alright?" He asked softly.
You felt your stomach churn and come up your throat. You quickly turned away from Slender to the side of the rock and vomited.
"Oh dear. You aren't used to seeing this sort of thing."
Your stomach calmed but your body still shook. You tried to speak, "Y-Y-You-" but you were cut off by Slender's hand on your cheek.
"I know, it's scary. But this is what I have to do to survive. To keep all the mistreated children at the mansion safe. This is my reality."
His tone was soft and safe. This was something you couldn't understand. But you knew that Slender was deep in this world, this was what he had to do to protect his family. The world was out to get him, you knew this from all the newspapers and teams that have been formed just to take him down. You didn't understand how this was right, but you knew that Slenderman understood. You had to trust him. What other choice did you have? Slenderman lets you use his arm to steady yourself. He led you back to your house going as slow as you needed to. Once you got to your house the color started to come back to your face.
"Would you like me to stay with you? I know that was very hard to see." Slender asked.
"I think I need some time to myself."
Slender lets you walk to the back door on your own. Your balance was better, your legs worked.
"If you need me, use this."
Slender pulled out a small walkie-talkie from his jacket pocket. You noticed that he switched the channel with a small beep before giving it to you. The small screen lit up with the name 'Slenderman' on it. You looked up at your boyfriend with a smile. You nodded.
"I will see you tomorrow, dear."
You waved bye to Slender, keeping a loving smile on your face. When you shut the door, your smile dropped. You glanced at the kitchen table where you left your cellphone. You could call the police, the Slenderman could be caught. All the deaths could end right now. But the mansion wasn't on its own, it was an entire world. One that you hardly understood. You loved Slender and you loved his girl. Oh God, Sally. It was different when you didn't have a face to put with anyone at the mansion. But what about Sally? Even if you gave a tip about that girl in the woods there was still a chance Slender would be caught. You loved Slender. He became so important to you. The realization hit that you were now part of this world. How much would you learn? How many deaths will you witness? You decided that you were spiraling too much. You walked up the stairs and went right to your room. You laid in bed, now feeling numb to everything. Suddenly, you heard a beep. Everything would be okay, you would understand with time.

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