He finally snaps

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After the weeks of dealing with the freeze, Slender Fever, and all the pains of the past coming back up again he finally snaps. You see him at his lowest of low. Completely lost of sanity.

A/N the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same result. But here, we're going to use the word insanity almost as slang. Within this book insanity will be defined as the overwhelming urge to hurt anything and everything. To not be able to think straight or tap into one's sense of right and wrong. I promise after this chapter I'll give you guys some light hearted couple stuff.

The Slenderman-
You didn't hear anything from Slenderman all day, you were worried. It wasn't like him not to radio you even just for a few moments to let you know what was going on. You tried to radio him a few times but got no answers. You were worried and decided to go check on him. You knew your way through the woods fairly well by this point. There was still an uncertainty in your mind that you were lost. This forest wasn't like others, there weren't trees with different branches or heights. It was strange but all the trees looked the same. Once the dark mansion came into sight you knew you were on the right path. The large doors never failed to intimidate you. You debated with yourself whether or not you should knock. Slenderman had always told you that you should just walk in but it never felt right. But who knew the monstrosity that would answer the door. You didn't know everyone in the mansion yet, what if they tried to hurt you? You decided to just sneak in. You only opened the door as wide as you needed to slip into it and gently shut it behind you. You made your way to Slenderman's office when you heard loud banging and panicked voices. You followed them down a hall. Sometimes the mansion seemed like a maze. But you eventually found a group of killers gathered around a set of double doors. Offendy, and a few others that looked a lot like him, we're holding the door shut. One had peach skin and a rainbow suit. His face had two black holes and an empty black void for a mouth. The other unfamiliar creature looked a lot more like your boyfriend. The only difference was the light clothing style and glasses that sat on the blank face. These two had to be the other brothers. The commotion within the doors had caused several proxies to come out. Some tried to help anyway they could, others laughed and recorded on their phones. You walked up to the group confused, you immediately had eyes glued to you. In this mansion you stuck out like a sore thumb.
"Offendy what's going on? Where's Slenderman?" You asked, ignoring the glaces.
The two unfamiliar brothers stared at you with shock. The doors behind them opened a bit from something choaic in the room. The brothers regained focus and slammed the doors shut.
"Y/N Slendy's a bit busy right now!" Offendy yelled.
The faceless brother with the glasses spoke up, "Who is she?!"
Once again the creature managed to get the door open only to have it shut again. It screamed loudly in anger. The sound was familiar to you but you didn't know why.
"She's Slender's girlfriend! Can we focus on the issue at hand?!" Offendy said.
This time it was the one dressed in rainbow to speak up, "Slendy has a girlfriend?"
His loss of focus caused a pale, bony arm to bust out of the space in between the doors. That's when they realized the out of control monster trapped in the room was Slenderman. You rushed to the set of doors ramming your shoulder at the arm forcing it back in. You pressed your back to the door helping the three hold them shut.
"What has gotten into him?!" You asked frantically.
"It's not his fault! He lost control of his sanity, he doesn't know what he's doing! Where is that damn doctor?!" Offender explained the best he could.
"I'm so sorry we had to meet like th-" the rainbow man said only to be interrupted by the other two.
"Not now, Splendor!"
Dr.Smiley came rushing to the scene pushing the others out of his way violently. He showed the group a taser. And suddenly you were grabbed by Spendor and the group jumped away from the doors. They slammed open to reveal a hardly recognizable Slenderman. His clothes were ripped apart hardly hanging into his body. His face was ripped open exposing several layers of teeth. Suddenly the doctor tagged Slenderman with the taser. He fell to the floor in an instant, completely unconscious. The house became silent. Dr.Smiley looked around to see all the teenagers just watching the situation.
"Don't you all have anything better to do than to watch your boss struggle? Go! Get out!"
The children scattered, disappearing in an instant.
"This is embarrassing enough for him; he doesn't need an audience."
The doctor bent down to check Slenderman for any serious injuries. This was a hard reminder that you weren't part of this world, this wasn't a situation you were familiar with. You didn't know what was going on, or how to act. Suddenly a pair of hands grabbed yours and spun you to face the brother you assumed was called Splendor.
"I am so sorry, you shouldn't have to see any of this horror! I'll walk you home safely."
Before he had a chance to move the doctor spoke up again.
"We need her here. If he hasn't snapped out of this when he wakes up she could be useful."
You were grabbed and spun by the last mystery brother.
"We'll in that case she'll come with me till he wakes up. A distraction will help this sink in."
For someone so quiet earlier he certainly had the confidence of a tiger to a rabbit. You were grabbed once again and pulled to Offender.
"We need to sit her down and explain what's going on."
The three started arguing what was best to do with you. You were confused and dizzy from all the man handling. Suddenly a gloved hand grabbed your wrist and pulled you out from the three. The doctor motioned to Slenderman's legs. You nodded and grabbed your boyfriend's limp body by the legs. Dr.Smiley grabbed him from his shoulders and led the way to his office. The argument grew quieter and you felt yourself able to think again. The doctor had you help him set Slenderman on an operation table. He motioned to a chair close to the table, you took a seat. Dr.Smiley picked up a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He put one to his lips and lit it before finally breaking the silence.
"Those three might be older but they're completely lost without Slender. Such idiots."
He took a long breath of the cigarette before breathing out a cloud of smoke.
"I'm sure you have questions."
You looked at your boyfriend. His chest slowly rose and fell. You felt as if you understood what was going on but at the same time, you were completely lost.
"What happened to him to make him so monstrous?"
The doctor froze at your words, eyes widening with shock for just a moment before going back to nothing.
"We don't use that word here. It's a horrific slur to call anyone here a 'monster.'"
He took another long puff of his cigarette before continuing his explanation.
"To put it in simple terms he's temporarily lost his Sanity. Of course that's the slang we use for it. Have you heard of the fight or flight reflex?" He didn't wait for you to answer, "Think of it as the fight reflex taking over, he doesn't know that he's doing anything wrong at all. It's not unlike a feral animal. No doubt the recent events made him have an episode."
You tried to take in everything the doctor was saying. Slenderman couldn't stop himself, he didn't know what he was doing. This was just an episode.
"He's going to be alright?" You asked with a shake in your voice.
You didn't realize you were close to tears. You felt overwhelmed by this. You blinked away tears, forcing yourself to be strong.
"Worse case is that he'd wake up and isn't quite snapped out of this. I doubt it. He didn't seem too far gone."
'Too far gone'? What did that mean? This get worse? How much worse? You were getting more questions than answers. You looked back at Slenderman as if expecting him to sit up and add to the conversation. You heard the beep of a radio and reached for the one clipped to your waistband. But you felt nothing. Looking down you saw you didn't have the radio Slenderman gave you. You must have dropped it in that hallway. You looked up to see the doctor pull a small radio from within his coat. He held it closer to his ear.
"2-17 I need backup now!" The voice said frantically.
The doctor sighed, and pressed his lit cigarette into the counter next to him to put it out.
"That would be the next proxy who has lost their sanity. Unfortunately this has a domino effect."
Without any other conversation the doctor left his office, leaving you alone with your unconscious boyfriend.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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