Finally! First Kiss!

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You quickly got past the fact that you wouldn't be able to kiss Slenderman because he had no mouth. Well, he did, but it was only shown when he was pissed. And you didn't want to relive that memory just yet. So you never thought about kissing him. That was until Slender brought Sally over. You both sat on the porch, Sally was telling you about her night routine and how Slenderman was very strict about going to bed on time.
"Then he always gives me a goodnight kiss, and Mr.Bing too! He's my snuggle buddy."
You were listening but didn't always understand what the little girl was saying. But you definitely were confused when she said Slender kissed her goodnight.
"Sweetie, how can daddy kiss you goodnight? He doesn't have a mouth." You explained to the little girl.
She giggled at your words. As if you didn't know something obvious.
"Silly, daddy gives me Ender kisses! They're even better than a normal goodnight kiss."
Sally started calling for Slender. At this time Slender was talking on his radio trying to solve a problem at the mansion. He was far enough into your yard that you nor Sally could hear his quiet conversation. Slenderman quickly brought his attention to his daughter. You mouthed an apology for bothering him. But he didn't seem bothered. Slenderman came closer to you two ignoring the voices on the radio.
"Is everything alright?" He asked sweetly.
Before you could answer Sally spoke.
"Can I have an Ender kiss? Pretty please?"
Slender chuckled and opened his arms. Sally quickly stood and ran in for a hug. Slender picked her up, one arm as her chair and the other as a back rest. Sally kicked her feet with excitement. Slenderman pressed his forehead against hers, their noses touching. Then he pulled away, making Sally giggle with happiness again.
"All better?" He asked.
"Yeah! Thank you!" She said smiling.
Slender set her down, she sat back down next to you. Slender walked away to continue his conversation. It wasn't a real kiss but it had the same emotional meaning as a kiss. This got the gears in your head turning. You were excited to test your theory. But you decided to wait. The next day you and Slender were having tea. You found yourself drinking more tea than any other drink these days. Slender's obsession was rubbing off on you. Slender brought a soothing tea, blueberry lavender. That was your first sign that your boyfriend was feeling a bit stressed out. You started debating whether or not now was the right time to test this. But when you sat with him you saw the way he relaxed. His shoulders loosened, his crossed foot swayed in the air ever so slightly, and he let out a happy sigh. And he was absolutely adorable. You set your cup down, turning your whole body towards him.
"Hey, Slender?" You asked while placing a hand on his shoulder.
He turned to you with a hum. He gently set his cup on the table giving you his full attention. He saw the mischievous glare in your eyes. He wasn't quite sure if he should be nervous or entertained. He knew you'd never do anything to cross the line, so he was always curious about what you thought would be 'evil' to have such a look. You gently put your hands on his jaw and led his head down to you. You placed your forehead on his, repeating the Ender kiss he gave Sally the day before. Then you pulled away, giving him full freedom of his head. You saw the heavy blush across his blank face. You giggled at how adorable he was. He cleared his throat trying to hide how flustered he was.
"WhAt was that for?" He asked, his voice cracking a bit. Making him blush more.
You picked up your cup with a proud grin.
"Because I love you."
It was safe to say, yes, that had the same effect as a kiss. And you were happy you found a new way to show your love for your sweet creature.

Jeff The Killer-
It felt like you and Jeff were constantly switching who wore the pants in your relationship. Depending on the situation you would be loud and sassy to protect Jeff and in other situations he would be the same. That's how your relationship worked. It was good for you. So when your relationship got to that point where you both seemed ready for that first kiss neither of you knew who would be the first to lean in. It was a silent dilemma. You both understood it but never talked about it. You found yourself watching cheesy YouTube videos about what to do when you kiss someone. Ugh, this was embarrassing. You've never kissed a guy before. Your ex friends told you it was because you were under them. Not as pretty, not fun to party with, not as flirty, and not as confident. You were a bit scared. A kiss wasn't a big deal right? Jeff of all people would never make fun of you for something like this. Jeff was suffering from the same anxious thoughts. He knew he was beautiful. Anyone would want him. But he only ever kissed his mom on the cheek. And that was before he was beautiful. Jeff didn't like to be anxious, he liked to be confident and free. He made the decision that he wasn't going to do anything. No more worrying, easy as that. Turns out it wasn't that easy. Jeff came through your window to hang out. He forgot how beautiful you were. He was so in love with you it started to hurt. A small part of him told him to run away from you, knock you out of his life so he would never have to struggle again. He didn't listen.
"How's my favorite badass doing?" He asked happily.
You smiled at him, then dramatically fell backwards on your bed.
"Dying on the inside. How are you, Joker rip off?"
Jeff put a hand on his chest as if he was hit.
"Ouch right in my feels."
He then leapt on your bed making himself comfortable right next to you.
"Hey, I wanna take you to the mansion sometime. I want you to be able to get out of this shit hole every once in a while." Jeff said putting a hand on your leg.
You groaned. You flipped to your side so your whole body faced him.
"You want me to meet your parents already?"
Jeff copied you and turned to his side as well.
"I said I want to take you to the mansion, not the graveyard."
You couldn't help but laugh at the dark joke. Dammit, why was he so stupid and funny? You settled down gazing into Jeff's blue eyes.
"Promise to keep me safe if shit goes down at the mansion?" You asked. A soft smile is still on your face.
Jeff reached out to put his hand on your cheek. Love and happiness were flooding from him.
You snuggled closer to your boyfriend. You wrapped your arms around his waist and buried your head in his chest. You've never felt this sense of peace with anyone else. You felt like you could truly be yourself. Jeff hugged you back. Then an evil chuckle left his lips. You immediately knew he was planning something and struggled to get out of his grip. As fast as the sweet moment came it left. In one swift movement Jeff flipped you on your back and pinned you there.
"No fair you were being cute!" You laughed.
"I'm not being cute now?" He asked.
Of course he was but you were never going to admit that to him. His ego was already too big as it is.
"Nah you're just a bitch now."
Jeff told himself he wasn't going to do anything. It would be easier that way. But he was Jeff the mother fucking killer! He wasn't going to do nothing when playfully called a bitch! Jeff was thankful that he became the person he did in these moments. His confidence could take over his fears and make him so much happier. He put one of his hands over your eyes and bent down connecting your lips together. You squealed in surprise but didn't pull away. It was a strange feeling. You couldn't quite tell when his lips ended and the scabbed cuts began but it wasn't a bad feeling. You weren't sure if it was because you loved Jeff so much or because you wanted this for so long, but it felt full of love. It was unique just like Jeff. He pulled away and uncovered your eyes.
"Am I cute now?"
That smartass! You couldn't help but get a demon smile.
"Not sure, I think I need a second try."
This time it was your turn to cover Jeff's eye and pull him down for another sweet kiss. Jeff was surprised but immediately mealies into your lips. They were soft and full. He wanted to kiss them forever. But you pushed him away, proud of being a smartass yourself.
"Nah, still a bitch."
You shoved Jeff off you, making him fall on the other side of the bed.
Jeff grabbed one of your pillows, throwing in on your face. This led to a big pillow fight and lots of laughter. Fuck what anyone else said, you loved Jeff and wouldn't trade him for anything.

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