Extra Info

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(A/N I write these chapters in advance and only release them once a week. They take a long time to write but I do love doing it. I wrote this short chapter when I was really sick. So it's sort, and the grammar may not make a whole lot of sense. It's just some extra info to help with the story. Ages, history, etc.

I'm also starting the drawings! What I'm trying to do is a portrait of you, then a photo of the both of you from one of the chapters. I hope it turns out really cool and I hope you guys like it. Until I finish them I will keep progressing the story!)

You are 25 years old when this book takes place. You had lived in an apartment near the city with your now ex boyfriend. You had a good job, you tested children and teens if they qualified for special services in school. A lot of it was just paperwork. After your breakup you left your job and lived with your parents again. You're parents had started getting really involved in a church, they almost constantly went on retreats and services leaving you alone a lot.
Slenderman's age is.....well..... he seems to be somewhere in his mid 20's.

Jeff the Killer-
You are 14 when this takes place. You don't struggle financially, not that you know of at least. You find yourself always wanting to fit in and gain acceptance due to your parents neglectful nature. They send you out to buy things and let you get whatever you want. They have absolutely no idea what goes on in your life and they don't seem to want to. You often have to be your own parent witch has left some scars.
Jeff is 13 years old when this story takes place. He has a lot of confidence and doesn't seem to care what others think. After he became part of the mansion he started gaining an interest in fashion. This has influenced him to practice self care. It's not a secret that he kills for a living but he doesn't talk too much about his life at the mansion with you.

You are 17 when this story takes place. It's just you and your dad since your mom left two years ago. You're parents were never married and you soon found out it was because your dad was hiding his sexuality. This was also the reason she left. She has no contact with you or your dad. Your dad works a high paying job to take care of you and your aunt chips in as well. You're vary close with your dad and work to take care of each other.
Hoodie is 18 when this story takes place. He purposely never talks about the mansion or gives to many details of his job. He also makes sure you nor your dad ever see his face from behind his mask. He's paranoid the moment you guys know anything you will be in danger.

Ben Drowned-
You are 13 almost 14 when this story takes place. You are vary bright, and have skipped a few grades. You're vary wealthy but that comes with the price of almost never seeing your parents in person. You video chat them, and text but most of the time you're schedules never line up to see each other in person. They make a large effort to know what's going on in your life and try to be vary supportive of your decisions.
Ben is 13, he doesn't talk much of his life killing but does talk about the mansion. You never really understand when Ben says that he drowned but you know he has a fear of water. Ben doesn't hide much from you and even added you to a Facebook group for all the proxies.

Eyeless Jack-
You're 23 years old. You work as a mortician, taking out the bodies insides, detailing any markings, and filling the body again for the funeral. Your parents pressured you to be successful fast. And you did. You live in a simi-shity apartment because it was the only place that had rooms left. Although your boss is amazing you can't shake the feeling that she's a little suspicious.
Jack is 20 years old. He never lets people know if he's really blind or not and you're no exception. This is a personal game to entertain himself. It's no secret that he kills and eats people and you know that he works for a boss. EJ won't talk about he co-workers or his past. But it seems like everyone already knows how he became eyeless.

Ticci Toby-
You are 17. You come from an adoption center and the parents you live with are your foster parents. They don't really give a damn about you so long as you go to school and don't cause trouble. Your grades are passing with C's. You try not to focus on your troubling past and live in the present.
Toby is also 17. He never talks about work, just the people he works with. So, you don't really know that he's a killer. You both try to be childish as much as possible but sometimes that breaks and you both have to be adults.

Laughing Jack-
You are 19 years old. You had dropped out of high school and got your GED. You work as a cashier for a party store part time till the incident with your parents. Now you work full time, alone in your house. You struggle to pay rent and to move past the recent trauma of losing both your parents. Your dad was always vary abusive and you were never aloud to have a childhood.
Just like Slenderman, LJ doesn't really seem to have an age. He's not part of the mansion but he is a close connection. You would never know that he hates children when you look at him. He was so childish himself. But he was a great protector and never said that he kills people. But many clues are there. You refuse to believe it.

You are 22. You moved out quickly to prove that you could be something to the world! Yeah. That didn't last long. You drink regularly, and hate the reality of your job. But you didn't want to prove your parents right by moving back in with them. You're parents were a little too overbearing and you were a little too wild for them. So you fought often. You worked as a nurse for a mental health hospital. You worked hard and you cared for those people.
Masky is 21. He doesn't remember much before he became part of the mansion. All he remembered was, he could play the piano, he dropped out of college, and he saw a lot of doctors. That's it. You knew he killed though it was never said. Masky only talks about work when he complains about his boss or talks about Hoodie. So you didn't know much, thank God for the internet.

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