You Meet Someone Close to Him

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You heard a lot about Slender's daughter. You already loved her just from the stories. So when Slender asked if she could join you for lunch, you immediately said yes. You decided to go all out with a tea party. Your parents were out once again, that had really been happening a lot lately, so you had the house all to yourself. Then you waited on the porch for your guests to arrive. You got excited when you heard the familiar tussle of the trees. You saw the faceless creature come through the camouflage of trees. And on his shoulders was a small girl. She had long curly brown hair, a soiled pink dress, white socks with a little fringe on it and black mary janes. Something you didn't expect was the dried blood on her face and arms. Slenderman didn't seem worried so you tried not to worry. When they reached the porch he lifted the small girl off his shoulders and set her down.
"Y/N this is Sally, Sally this the lovely lady I told you about."
Sally held out her hand to shake yours.
"It's very nice to meet you." She said with a smile.
You were shocked by how polite this little girl was. But then again, what do you expect when you live with a man who wears a suit everyday.
"And you as well."
You turned to Slender and mouthed the words 'so cute.' You brought them inside and you saw Sally's face light up when you got to the dining room. A large teapot sat in the middle and two large plates on each side were stacked high. On the right was an assortment of sandwiches, the left had many pastries and sweets. Sally tugged on Slender's sleeve in excitement.
"It's like we're in a story book! Look at all the food!"
Slender took his hand from the child and placed it on her head, gently stroking her hair.
"It's fit for my little princess."
Sally squealed and bounced to a seat. Slender pushed in her chair and took the next one. You sat across from the two admiring the sight. You watched Sally mimic Slender in every way. Her back straight, elbows off the table, chin up. You served everyone some tea and helped Sally pick out the sandwich she wanted. Conversation started right away.
"How was the day at the mansion?" You asked.
"Same as always. Sally, why don't you tell Y/N about your morning."
You saw the child break her polite posture with excitement.
"I woke up and Grinny was laying on my tummy! He helped me pick out my dress and we had a small fashion show. Then BOOM!"
Sally put her hands on the table, clanking all the cups on their saucers. But not hard enough to actually do any damage.
"Brother Jeff came flying through the door! He and bubba were fighting! But don't worry because I stopped it."
You turned to Slender with wide eyes. You were sure if Sally was over exaggerating or if Slender was under exaggerating.
"As I said, same as always."
Then the layer of questions came from the little girl. Everything from your favorite color to your favorite memory. Sally asked it all and listened to every answer, then she provided her own answer. You were in love with her. She was so cute and sweet, you could see how much she cared for Slender and loved him. As Sally was in the middle of asking another question her nose started to bleed, you gasped at the sight which triggered Slender's father instinct. He gently pressed on her cheek to turn her head. He took his napkin and dabbed at the blood.
"Oh dear."
Slender turned to your panicked face.
"It's nothing to be worried about, things like this happen all the time."
Sally nodded the best she could in Slender's grip.
"Last night it was my head."
Slenderman turned back to his daughter and put one of her hands on the napkin to hold it in place.
"Go to the bathroom upstairs and freshen up."
Sally nodded and quickly went up the stairs. You nor Slenderman took your eyes off her till she was out of sight.
"Are you sure she's okay?"
Little girls don't just start bleeding like that. From your experience there's usually a trauma to the nose to make that happen. Slender picked up his cup and took a sip before responding.
"Nothing to worry about. Sally isn't alive nor dead, things like this just happen. She knows how to take care of them."
You relaxed a bit but still not completely convinced that she was okay. You took a sip of your tea and let out a sigh of relief. You already felt like you were very close to Sally. You would get run over by a bus for this little girl. You couldn't help but panic at the sight of her bleeding.
"However," Slender started "it is strange her nose started bleeding. It's usually her head or mouth."
You opened your mouth to say something when a blood curdling scream from upstairs. Slender sprung up from his seat and rushed upstairs with you close behind. Slender opened the bathroom and got to his knees to have Sally run into his arms.
"Daddy Zalgo is here!" She cried barring her head in Slender's neck.
Slender looked around to see a peeled piece of wallpaper. Underneath was a couple satanic symbols carved into the wall.
"Shh it's okay it's just some pictures." Slender said softly.
Slender rubbed soothing circles into her back. Trying to shush her crying and stop the flow of tears.
"No no no! I heard him!"
Slender picked her up and walked deeper into the bathroom.
"If Zalgo is here then we'll just trap him in the bathroom."
Then Slender locked the door from the inside and shut it behind him. So nothing was coming in or out. That seemed to stop Sally's tears. The three of you walked down stairs back to the dining room. Slender set Sally back into her chair once again stroking her head as he turned to speak to you.
"Would you mind keeping an eye on her for a moment? I need to make a call."
You nodded, walking closer to the child. Slender left out the back door. He walked in front of the French windows talking on what seemed to be a walkie-talkie. A great idea popped into your mischievous head. You tapped Sally on the shoulder and pointed to the window.
"What do you think he's saying?" You asked.
Sally looked at you confused before looking back to the window. You saw Slender hold the small device to his face.
"I'm the Slenderman and I speak for the trees." You said mimicking Slender's voice.
When you saw him bring the device away you used a high pitched voice as if someone was talking back.
"That's cool, but I wanna cut down a tree to make a house for my family."
Sally giggled at the silly imitations. You loved seeing her smile. You didn't quite understand why she was so upset but you were happy you could cheer her up.
You two then started to make Slender roar in funny ways. When you saw Slender head back for the door you stood up and put on the best innocent face you could.
"I think it's time we go home Princess."
Sally didn't complain, she hopped off her chair and took her dad's hand. You walked them out and watched as Slender placed Sally on his shoulders. They disappeared into the woods.
Slenderman walked a few minutes before starting a conversation with his daughter.
"Did you have fun?"
Sally nodded her head despite the fact that Slender couldn't see it.
"You picked a good one, daddy. Better not lose her."
Little kids were very smart. Sally may have played Princess but she knew the real reason Slender brought her there was to get her approval. Yet he never said a signal word to her. Sally was a very smart girl and figured out Slender's growing feelings for you. Slender wasn't surprised when he heard this. He knew his daughter.
"I don't plan to. Do you think she'd like to be in a relationship?"
Sally sighed and rested her head on the top of her dad's.
"You can be really dumb sometimes."
Slender chuckled knowing that Sally wasn't being mean but was trying to calm his nerves.
"I guess I can be."

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