Slender Fever

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The week of the freeze felt like it lasted months. Your parents were able to get back home from the church. You all worked together to make everyday manageable. You kept Slender's radio close making sure you knew the mansion was okay. When the ice started melting it felt like a time of celebration. The three of you thought a special meal was in order. Your mother brought out some bright decorations and set the table. Your father wanted to cook. You worked on the drinks. Most things the three of you ate were made at home. It was nice to work for a meal. That was until you saw your boyfriend trying to get your attention through the window. Your mom was a few feet behind it turned toward the table. Way too close to seeing Slenderman. You quickly slipped out the back door hoping not to draw attention from your parents.
"Slender, what are you doing here?" You whispered.
You didn't want to risk any chance of your mom hearing you two. You ducked under the window and Slenderman did the same.
"It's important."
His voice was shaking. He was worried, scared.
"Sally is very sick and she needs to leave the mansion immediately. Please, will you take care of her?"
You remembered her strange behavior during the freeze. You knew she was getting sick. But why wouldn't Slenderman want to take care of her? He's so protective of her, this wasn't like him.
"Why can't she stay at the mansion?" You asked.
Slender let out a shaky sigh. This was really hard for him.
"She has Slender Fever. It will only get worse the longer she stays around me."
Slender Fever? You never heard of it. Was it bad? What did a sickness have to do with the Slenderman?
"I can send a doctor with her. He can explain it better than I can."
You weren't sure what was going on. You didn't know about this sickness but Slenderman was scared and you will do anything to help.
"Of course she can stay here."
Slenderman hugged you whispering a grateful 'thank you' before rushing back to the woods. He couldn't risk being seen. You walked back in your house both your parents noticing your entrance.
"Why did you go out there?" Your mom asked.
You had to lie a bit. They couldn't know Slenderman was your boyfriend. But you were bringing his daughter into your house. Think!
"My boyfriend called. He asked me for a favor."
Your parents looked at each other in shock. You never mentioned a boyfriend. I guess now was the time.
"Wow, we didn't know you had a boyfriend."
Your dad said with a smile.
He was always sweeter than your mom. Something about his voice was just softer and safer. You scratched the back of your head nervously. You were trying to think of lies that were close enough to the truth.
"Well I wanted to see if it would last before I told you guys but- well...He found a mold outbreak in his house and it made his daughter really sick. He asked if she could stay here until the problem is taken care of."
Your parents flipped. Not only did you have a new boyfriend but he had a daughter! There was no hiding it anymore and they demanded to know everything. You stayed as close to the truth as possible. You told them Sally was adopted and she was eight. You told them that your boyfriend was very traditional and was from Britten. You kept using nicknames trying to avoid his real name. In the end your parents were thrilled to have a cute little girl staying for a few days. You sighed in relief. You set up your bedroom for Sally to stay, you hid the tools and paints from redoing your floor. You found every fluffy pillow and stuffie you could for her. Then you waited outside for Sally. It took a little bit but soon you saw movement in the woods getting closer. You saw the familiar little girl with the saddest look on her face. She was holding the hand of a normal looking man in a doctor's coat. His eyes were bright red and he had a white mask over his mouth and nose. There was a sharp toothed smile on it that gave him a creepy look. Of course the doctor was creepy, Slenderman lived with killers. The only thing that gave you comfort was the pink backpack strap on his shoulder, surely it belonged to Sally. Once close enough Sally let go of the doctor's hand and walked to you. You bent down on one knee and held your arms open for a hug. Sally practically collapsed into your arms. You noticed strange lumps on her chest and tummy. You didn't ask. She was already suffering, surely the doctor would know.
"Oh sweetheart you'll feel better soon I promise." You told the little girl squeezing her gently. Sally pulled away from the hug to look at your face.
"Is it okay if I lay down inside? The walk made me tired."
Your heart broke. You wanted to hold her tight and never let her go, you would give her the world if it would help her feel better. You put a hand on her head mimicking how Slender comforts her.
"Of course you can, your bed is upstairs. I'll be there in a minute."
Sally thanked you and walked into the house. You stood straight, now giving all your attention to the doctor. He took the pink bag off his shoulder and handed it to you.
"I don't expect you to understand her illness. Here are her things enough for a week and a half. She's had a fever, coughed up blood, and has been extremely paranoid."
The doctor reached into his coat pocket and pulled out an orange bottle with large white pills filled in it. The paper that would normally have the drugs name and the name of the recipient was scratched off.
"She gets half a pill every four hours. I'll come once a day to check on her. That's all you need to know."
The doctor handed you the bottle and started to walk back to the forest. No. You weren't going to settle for that. You wanted to know what this was and why you never heard of it.
"Wait! He told me you would say more about Slender Fever!"
The doctor froze. How did you know the name? Slenderman must have told you. Dammit, that creature needed to learn not to trust anyone. But the doctor worked for him and had to obey who he wanted to tell. The doctor turned to face you again.
"Slender Fever is a sickness you get when being exposed to the Slenderman too long before your body can adjust. He's been with you so much that Sally's body adjusted to less exposure. But during the freeze he stayed at the mansion."
It started to click together. Slender was heartbroken that he caused Sally to get sick.
"Why didn't I get sick?" You asked.
The doctor sighed, clearly annoyed by your questions.
"Probably because he slowly brought up your time of exposure. Slowly spending more and more time with you so your body could adjust. Now if you will excuse me Sally wasn't the only one to get sick. I have many killers to care for."
He turned and walked into the woods without giving you a chance to respond. You watched the doctor disappear in the trees. You went back inside to see your parents cooing at a very tired Sally. You quickly walked up behind Sally putting a hand on her head.
"Okay I think it's time for Sally to get some rest."
She looked at you with thankful eyes. If Sally wanted to test this badly she must be feeling awful. You led her up the stairs to your room.
"Thank you for taking me away from Mema and Papa."
Sally climbed into the bed making herself comfortable.
"Of course. They're good at keeping people from getting better."
That had more meanings than one. You were frustrated that your parents would keep a sick little girl from rest. You tucked Sally into bed and kissed her forehead. Her eyes fell closed in seconds. You quietly shut the door and made your way down the stairs. You needed to have a talk with your parents.
This illness was scary to watch. Sally would cry to you saying that Zalgo woke her up or she had nightmares about Slenderman watching kids. She violently coughed up blood while her nose bled. She would wheeze from the lack of air. She had a hard time swallowing the pill even if it was just half. You ended up crushing it and putting it in water or on top of her food. Just like the doctor said he came to visit each day. And as the days went by Sally got a bit better. By day four the doctor started taking her to see Slender. It started with 30 minutes. The next day it was 45. The next was an hour. The next two hours. And so on. By the 10th day she was feeling better and acting like her normal self. She wanted to play all the time! She ran around the yard, asked questions about everything, and even helped you around the house. You were stunned with how fast she recovered from something that looked deadly. On day 12 Slenderman was the one to see her instead of the doctor. She was well enough to go home.

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