He's reminded of the past

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A/N so I'm not really in the best mental place right now, this chapter is going to be VERY heavy. A lot of trauma feelings and memories. There's a few descriptions of PTSD episodes. This chapter will also give a lot of light to where these characters come from and what is cancon within this book.


The Slenderman felt horrible. He had blamed himself for the outbreak of Slender Fever. He had neglected his proxies. He's worked extra hard to make up for his mistakes. Instead of going to your house he had asked you to come to the mansion. His fears of you getting hurt were overpowered by his fear of causing others harm again. After a few times with a guide you were able to find the mansion on your own. Not much changed, you and Slender still had tea together. Only now there seemed to be hundreds of voices laughing, fighting, and training. Not only did children live at the mansion but so did many adults. You loved it. There was always something going on to brighten the day. When you came over today you found slender in his office in a complete wreck. His suit jacket was nowhere to be found, his tie was loose and uneven, his shirt was wrinkled, and he was buried in papers. He didn't need a face for you to know he wasn't okay. He didn't stop working when you came in, in fact he didn't notice you were there till you waved his hand in front of his face. It scared him so much that he jumped from his chair knocking it over. But no words came out of him, not a gasp or a yelp. Nothing.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Are you alright? You look like you walked through a hurricane." You said as you adjusted his tie.
Slenderman waited for you to finish fixing his tie before picking up the chair.
"Slender?" You asked.
No response.
"He can't answer you."
You both jumped at the new voice. In the doorway stood a creature much like The Slenderman but with a large sharp toothed grin. He wore a black trench coat, with a black t-shirt and nice black pants all topped with a fedora. Without hesitation Slenderman took a small paperweight shaped as a butterfly and threw it at the man in anger. He caught it and chuckled. You looked at the two stunned. You thought Slender was the only thing faceless in the world but here was another.
"Allow me to introduce myself.~" the creature said smoothly "they call me the Offenderman, but please call me Offendy.~"
He moved his way into the office, taking your hand and kissing it. You were uncomfortable but a tinge of fear stopped you from pulling away. Slenderman cut in between you and the creature radiating with anger.
"I'm just giving her a proper Ender welcome, no need to get jealous."
Offendy put the paperweight on Slender's desk keeping that smug smirk on his face. You quickly put yourself in front of Slenderman before he killed Offendy.
"I'm Y/N Slender's girlfriend. What do you mean he can't answer me?" You asked, changing the subject.
It seemed to work as Offendy's flirty words boiled down.
"He's too stressed, he always goes mute when he's like this. It's happened ever since he was a kid, he couldn't talk even if he wanted to."
You looked between the two realizing Slender's childish behavior towards Offendy wasn't a fit but it was the only way he could communicate his feelings right now. He didn't even have facial features to show what he wanted to say, all he could do was use his actions. Then something else stuck out to you.
"You've known Slenderman since he was a child?"
Offendy's smug attitude came back.
"Slendy shame on you, you haven't told her about your own brothers? I'm very disappointed."
Slenderman picked up the paperweight threateningly. You snatched it out of his hand and set it back on the desk.
"I'm the second oldest of the four of us, Slendy is the youngest."
Offendy said as if he knew being the youngest bothered Slenderman.
Slender picked up the stone butterfly, you put it back down. Offendy threw his arm around Slenderman's shoulders.
"Come on bro, let's get you out of this dark, depressing office and into the woods! You know Masky and Hoodie will handle anything serious and a few hours isn't going to kill you."
As much as you hated Offendy's playboy attitude around you, he was right. If your boyfriend was so stressed he wasn't able to speak he needed to relax.
"I think a walk might be refreshing." You added slipping your hand into one of his.
He let out a breath of defeat. And the three of you were out the door. Once the mansion was out of sight Slender found himself getting distracted by the nature around him. A group of deer found him particularly interesting leaving you and Offendy to talk.
"I really had no idea Slender had brothers." You said quietly enjoying the sight of your boyfriend.
"I don't blame him for not telling you. We're all pretty obnoxious to him."
You smiled a bit.
"What was he like as a child?" You asked dying to know more.
"He's always been a big emotional grouch. He was so stressed he didn't start talking till his late teens. Poor guy hated the world before he found those kids."
This felt like a good moment, like something you would remember for a long long time.
"Feeling better bro?" Offendy asked.
Slender turned to face the two of you, ignoring the deer for a moment.
The sound of his voice made your smile widen. Slenderman was in a wreck and if it took that much stress to make him mute for an afternoon what had happened to him to make him mute till he was almost an adult?
"You feel like a quick sparring match?" Offender asked.
"No. Let's just go back before something bad happens." His voice was anxious, laced with fear.
As slenderman passed you two Offendy grabbed his brother's shoulder and stopped him in his tracks. You felt the mood shift, Offendy's smile dropped.
"Stop it. We're safe now." Offender's tone was serious, a tone only two close people could get away with without being considered threatening. What was going on? Was Offender angry? Slender definitely seemed scared. But of what?
Slenderman stayed quiet for a moment before yanking his brother's hand away from his shoulder.
"I know."
No, something didn't feel right. This wasn't relaxing anymore. You couldn't let him go back after that. You were quick to grab Slender's hand and stop him from walking.
"Are you okay?" You asked.
You wanted to say more. You wanted to tell him to stop pretending to be stronger than he is. You wanted to tell him to be selfish and take care of himself. But all that came out was 'are you okay'.
You felt the energy shift again. This time into something slightly calmer but not to the extent of earlier.
"I'll be fine."
He continued walking back to the mansion. You followed looking back to see Offendy following as well. You pulled your hand away from Slender's to give him space but he only held it tighter. You weren't sure what painful memories the two brothers were sharing, but right now your boyfriend needed you close. You squeezed his hand back letting him know you weren't going anywhere. Offender soon caught up, this time putting a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder. Slenderman wasn't some unbeatable monster. He was a creature with a family, a troubled life, just like any other human.

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