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How you meet- Liu
You weren't a religious person. You used to be when you were a child, but after you started middle school you stopped going. You just changed too much to be part of the church. You had a good group of friends who basically ruled the school, your body was hot, and every guy wanted you. Recently one of the girls in your friend group got a boyfriend and started being problematic. She wouldn't dress like the rest of you guys, and eventually her boyfriend came to the school and threatened you. It started to get you thinking. Why was it such a big deal that she wanted to dress differently? Were you all so obsessed with being hot and popular that real relationships didn't exists anymore? So you started to put a little distance between yourself and your friends. You made up excuses why you couldn't hang out with them to give yourself more time to think. Usually when you didn't know what to do you'd go talk to your grandpa. He never forgot what it was like to be young and seemed to understand you better than anyone else. But he passed away a month ago. The next best thing was to visit his grave. Most people cried when they lost people they loved, but you felt like you couldn't cry anymore. You've become so fake that you couldn't express your emotions normally. The stone had just been placed, it was clean unlike the others in the area that had dirt and who knows what else on them. You sighed and sat next to the large cross as if you were sitting with him not in front of him. Your mini skirt didn't agree with the position exposing your underwear. You didn't care. There was too much on your mind to care about flashing the dead.
"I still haven't gotten used to this. Kinda weird that you can't talk back. But I could really use some advice. I don't even think I know who I am anymore. There's this girl and she didn't want to be our friends anymore but now she's so happy. She started waring ripped jeans and she doesn't care about how others look at her. I guess I'm thinking about leaving too, but I don't have anything to drive me like she does."
You looked at the stone half expecting an answer.
"I guess if you have any power in the after life I could really use some help. Like, maybe a sign or something?"
You waited to see is anything would happen. The wind picked up blowing your hair out of your face. Other than that there was nothing. Until a strange pice of cloth blew right over your eyes. You squealed in surprise and ripped the cloth away. It was light and soft. The white fabric had black stripes dyed into it. It was some sort of scarf? You looked at the tombstone.
"Is this your way of telling me I need to cover up more? Because that's not happening."
A shadow blocked the light from you. You looked over to see a silhouette of a boy.
"Sorry to bother you, but that's my scarf."
You couldn't see many features on him due to the way the sun blasted from behind. But you did notice his bright green eyes. You held the scarf out to him finding yourself speechless. He took it, and wrapped it around his neck. Finally he moved away from the sun. You couldn't believe your eyes. He had stitches all over him. Over his nose, the sides of his mouth, some even poked out of his sleeves.
"Is he a friend?" The boy asked motioning to the grave.
You found yourself speechless for a moment.
He must have been in pain with so many stitches right? But his smile was so soft and kind as if he had been walking on clouds right before this.
"Yeah, my grandpa," you looked at the grave and sighed, "he's not as helpful like this though."
The boy squat down in front of the concrete cross.
"Welcome to the graveyard, I hope you had a really good life." He smiled brightly as if he was speaking to a living person. Then he turned back to you.
"No one really knows if the dead can hear the living, but if they can I want to nice."
You nodded in understanding. This boy seemed so carefree, so happy, he was at peace. It felt nice to be around. You wanted to keep. Conversation going as not to lose his nice energy.
"So, um, you know anyone here?" You asked awkwardly.
"Yeah, my parents are at the end of the upper row. I like to see them as much as I can."
His parents?! But he couldn't have been older than 16! Is that why he has stitches all over his face? Was there some accident that killed his parents and he's still recovering from?
"I'm Liu." He held out his hand.
You shook it completely dumbfounded. You've always been popular, pretty, and usually you were the one to approach other people. You never got nervous like this.
"Y/N, will I see you around more?"
Liu smiled a bit brighter.
"Yeah you'll see me around I'm usually here or in the church from 3- 5. Speaking of witch, I should head out. Promise to find me again?"
You nodded. Liu walked away headed off into the woods. Was he an angel? Did your grandpa just send you an angel?
"This wasn't a coincidence right? You set this up right?" You asked the grave.
But there was just another gust of wind. No words, no signs.

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