F is for Friends

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A/N: this is a short chapter just to establish the relationship after a month

The teapot whistled loudly on the stove. You rushed in and turned off the heat, you grabbed the handle and brought it to the kitchen where Slenderman sat. You set the pot on a heat cushion to prevent the table from burning and opened the lid. Slender pulled a small metal cage from his pocket and dipped it into the pot. The metal chain hung out of it to prevent it from falling to the bottom.
"I'm not so sure about this blend." Slender said, keeping his eyes on the pot.
You smiled at his weakness for tea. The news had Slender appear as a monster that couldn't be stopped, he had no weaknesses. Well, he was a sucker for tea. It was an addiction of his. It had been about a month since your first meeting, Slenderman was probably your best friend you've ever had. You two spent every day with each other and talked about everything. Well, almost everything. You had no idea how he could drink tea, he had no mouth. You didn't know how he did a lot of things due to his physical limitations, including hiding from your parents. He was a tall guy! How did he just disappear?!
"What trouble took place at the mansion today?"
Slender took his attention off the tea and back to you.
"There were a few bumps but I'm very nervous for Tobias. He's staying somewhere else in an attempt to help his seizures. Dr. Smiley is convinced they are from stress but I don't understand why he has to leave."
Slender tried to keep a professional relationship with his proxies. But he worries over them like a father would. Something you noticed was his internal conflict between being a boss and a dad to these children. This caused him to stress a lot more than anyone should.
"I thought he was only leaving for a week."
"Do you know what can happen in a week?"
You laughed at Slender's fatherly worries. You didn't have any children figures so you could keep a bit of a level head when Slender panicked like this.
"Toby will be fine, if he needs any help he'll radio you. The week will go by in a flash and he'll be causing trouble in your house again."
Slender groaned at the implications that this week was going to go easy for him.
"If you help you can always bring me to the mansion-"
"Absolutely not."
You had asked Slender to take you to the mansion several times before. You wanted to help him even just a little. But he insisted that it would be too scary, too dangerous, too overwhelming. But you weren't convinced.
"They may be kids but they are dangerous kids. I don't want you getting hurt."
You rolled your eyes at the implication that you'd get hurt with Slender protecting you. You picked up the tea pot and poured both you and Slenderman a cup. You both picked up the cups letting them cool a bit.
"I just want to help you with some chores. There's so many people there and it seems they don't help much."
Slender hummed in response, clearly distracted but the strange aroma coming from the cup. You lifted the cup to your lips and Slender did the same. You both froze when tasting the tea. It was awful! You rushed the sink and spit out the dirty water. You looked up to tell Slenderman to spit out the tea when you saw his head leaning into the house plant. You were happy you could do these things with him. You were happy to have him in your life.
"I guess that's to be expected when an eight year old makes tea."
You laughed at how painful Slender's voice sounded. Yup there's no one else you'd rather do this with.

Jeff the killer-
When you got home that night your parents freaked out. You tried to explain what had happened but you just got strange looks. Of course telling them a demon that turned out to be a fucked up boy had saved you from a man trying to rob you didn't make much sense to them. You didn't understand what they didn't get. It had been some time now, about four weeks. Jeff found you and spent time with you like he said he would. You two quickly became great friends. Jeff was going through your closet convinced to pick out your outfit for tomorrow.
"Why do you dress like such a slut?"
Jeff held up a shirt that was hardly a bra. To prove his point.
"Because if I don't I'll get bullied."
You sat on your bed texting the bitches you were forced to call friends. You had started snapping at them since meeting Jeff, you weren't okay with the stuff they were trying to make you wear. But you couldn't get out of this group even if you wanted to.
"Hey, what about this?"
You looked to see Jeff holding up a cropped black hoodie. You couldn't remember where you got it from and you kinda forgot you had it in the first place.
"Jeff, it's gonna be cold tomorrow. I don't wanna wear a crop top."
You went back to your phone as Jeff threw the item on your bed at your feet.
"I know! I'm not done!"
You snorted at Jeff's sassy nature. He wasn't too big of a fashionista but he did care about what you looked like and that you were comfortable in it. Next he threw a red and black striped shirt that was way low cut for your liking.
"Put that under it."
He said as he went back to your closet. Next he threw a pair of red leggings at you.
"Do you care if I rip these up?"
You looked at him to see an old pair of black jeans. You shook your head and looked back at your phone.
"Go for it."
Jeff took out his pocket knife and flicked the blade out. You heard him cut it up for a while then he threw it at your feet. He grabbed a pair of combat boots then walked over to you and took your phone out of your hands.
"Go change."
You rolled your eyes and took all the clothes. You left to the bathroom and threw it all on. You refused to look in the mirror until Jeff saw first. You cracked the door to your room open.
"You ready?"
You heard Jeff launch himself onto your bed.
"Hell yeah! The new and improved (Y/N)!"
You opened the door all the way and walked in. The clothes were comfy, you didn't feel exposed or slutty. But you felt like you looked good.
"Oh there's no way I'm letting you go to school in anything but this outfit tomorrow!"
You looked in the mirror finally. Fuck. You liked it a lot. It was different and you knew your 'friends' would flip if they saw it. It had been so long since you felt this way. Then you got an idea and turned to Jeff.
"Let's send them a picture."
Jeff got the same devilish smile. What's better than seeing these girls flip out for only one day than seeing them flip out for two. The one photo turned into a whole fashion show full of laughs and stupidity. But you loved every second. Then you and Jeff picked out the best photo and sent it to the group chat. The girls lost their shit.
Friend #1: Hun that outfit is ridiculous, you should burn it.
Friend #3: Everyone is going to laugh at you!

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