Chapter 3

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I woke up to stupid Pop music and nearly screamed, so I guess I'm Edward today.

I got up and took my meds to keep me this way and after that, I ate my breakfast and got dressed in my room not Harry's. After that, I called up Zayn and told him to meet me at the mall.

I then got into my car and made my way there.

Pretty soon Zayn finally found me.

"Sup" he smiled walking up to me in Spencer's.

"Aye dude." I smirked. "Help me find some new shirts?" I asked.

"Sure" he shrugged.

We walked through the store and found some awesome graphic tees. We then went to Hot Topic next.

"So what's been going on?" Zayn asked as we walked up and down the mall.

"Well my brother Harry is seeing someone." I said casually.

"Oh really? What? His new boyfriend didn't get to see you first? I know he would snatch you up over Harry." 

"Hey, they aren't boyfriends and Harry is very attractive." I tried to defend myself.

"Well your like the bad boy type and lots of people go for that. Harry is like a prep boy and man Marcel's a nerd." he said but when he said that Marcel started to get sad and I felt bad.

"Hey, I love Harry and Marcel. They are my triplets." I scolded.

"Okay, sorry." Zayn apologized and Marcel got happier and Harry thanked me. "No problem." I said back to him in my head.

Zayn and I walked around some more and then I left to go food shopping at Walmart. I went up and down the isles until I ran into Liam, Marcel's friend.

"Hey Eddie." Liam said as he politely smiled at me.

Fucking kiss up.

"Hey Liam." I said with no emotion. I then tried to keep walking but he stopped me.

"Hey Edward, can you please tell Marcel to text? I need to ask him something."

"K, I will." I said and walked away.

"Hear that Marcel?" I asked him. "Text him later because I won't." I spoke in my head.

"Okay I will." He agreed.

I then checked out with my groceries since I was finished shopping and headed home.

"Eddie!" Harry called out in my head once I got into the car.

"What?" I answered aloud since no one was with me.


"What? Fuck no I'm not going in there!"

"Edward please?" Harry asked.


"But I want some too." Marcel whispered and then I softened up.

"Okay fine." I said giving in.

I can't ever say no to Marcel.

I then drove to Starbucks.

Soon I pulled up to Starbucks and went inside. They kept telling me to get a peach tea. I hate peaches... I then sat down after I got it inside the place and started to drink my tea while reading my texts on my phone. I have only one phone. So every time I text I always write -Edward. Harry and Marcel do the same. It tells my family and such which person I am as i'm texting them.

You're probably wondering that if I could have three different cars and three different bedrooms then why not three different phones?

Well I did that because people got mad with all the different numbers I had before and it's just to much to keep up with. So I just use one phone.

As I was on my phone I heard someone call Harry's name.

"Harry?" A voice spoke. I turned around and saw it was Louis. "Hi Harry." He walked up to me smiling bright.

"Not Harry." I said with an attitude.

"Be nice!" Harry shouted

"Oh I'm sorry. Are you one of the Triplets?" He said looking a little embarrassed.

"Yeah, Edward." I said and then extended my hand to make Harry happy that I'm trying to be nice.

"Well I'm so sorry. I'm Louis. I'm kinda seeing Harry, I guess you can say." He said after shaking my hand and smiling shyly.

"Well he has told me a lot about you." I smiled.

God I hate being so nice.

"Really?" He asked.

"Good things, I promise." 

"Oh that's good."

"You can sit down if you what?" Harry made me ask.

"Oh okay, great. So Edward tell me about yourself?" he then asked once he was seated in front of me at the table.

"Well you can call me Eddie and I'm very different from my triplets Harry and Marcel. I don't think you'll like me all that much if I'm being honest."

"And why is that?"

"I'm a tad emo... and I don't like people."

"There's nothing wrong with being emo." He smiled. "You know, I kinda went through an emo phase in high school. I felt the same way about people and about hating the world." he spoke in a goofy tone. "But, I learned to be happy with the world and to stop blaming the world for my problems."

I nodded along to what he said.

"Plus, I still listen to the bands I use to listen to. Sometimes the screaming voices can be soothing."

I chuckled and then said, "What else do you like?" 

"Well I love to write. I also love art." He smiled. "It helped me come out of the emo stage."

"You do? My brother Marcel would love you then." I laughed as Marcel agreed with what I said.

"Wow that's great. Seems like I get along with all three of you." He smiled.

"I guess you do."

"Well I have to go and meet with my manager about a book but thanks for talking with me and tell Harry I said hi." He said and got up.

"Okay, bye."

After he left, I rolled my eyes a little for having to be so nice. I then got up, threw my trash away, and I then walked to my BMW.

"He seems alright." I admitted to Harry once I was driving home.

"Yeah. I really like this guy." Harry said. "Hopefully you and Marcel can get along with him."

"Well, if he's not annoying, then sure." Edward said.

"The main thing for me though is that I hope he takes our mental setback well." Harry said.

"I think he will." Marcel said. "He seems open to everything."


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