Chapter 20

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"Look, I know I told Harry I wasn't going to do this, but I need to." Louis said as he took my hand.

"Need to what?" I asked.

"I want to make love to you Marcel." Louis said and kissed my hand.

"Look, my body is not a virgin, but my mind is." I said as my heart raced.

"I know that." Louis nodded. "But since that whole Doctor Nancy thing that happened a week ago, I've been thinking. I want to give it you. I know you're innocent but I'll take it slow. I want to woo you sweets."

Oh, that nickname.

"You want to woo me?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Yes." he nodded and pulled me closer. "I'll start by dancing with you." Louis said and pressed play on some type of remote.

Some slow dancing music came on and he pulled me closer.

Louis guided me around my living room as the song played out.

Suddenly when the chores started playing he spun me and as he pulled me in closer I could hear the words.

Holy crap.

"What song is this?" I asked being thrown right back into a bliss state.

"Never Stop, Wedding Version by Safetysuit." Louis answered.

"This song is beautiful." I said listening to the song that really spoke Louis' feelings for me.

"I love this song." Louis said as we swayed back and forth. "I love it even more now because it reminds me of how I feel about you."


"It's amazing." I said sighing. "You're amazing."

"Oh, I know." he joked.

I laughed.

"Maybe this could be our song?" Louis asked.

I looked into his eyes and could tell he was being serious.

"You want a song with me?" I asked him.

"Yeah." he nodded.

"Okay." I nodded back.

He then pulled away from me, turned around, and then turned back to me with two glasses in his hands filled with red stuff.

"Wine?" Louis asked handing it to me.

"I've never drank before." I said honestly.

"But?" Louis said not sure of what I meant.

"Edward and Harry, yes." I nodded. "Marcel, no." I then said shaking my head.

Louis laughed at that.

"Well, if you aren't comfortable then-" he tried but I put up a finger saying 'one second' and then I took a very large sip of the wine. "Wow." Louis laughed. "Thirsty?"

"Very." I said handing him my glass. "More?"

"Sure sweets." He smiled and poured me a glass.

He then got close to me again and gave me a kiss on my neck, expect it wasn't a peck like always, he stayed there for a little while and, sucked?

"Uh." I said letting a moan escape my lips.

I could feel Louis smile against my neck and I took another sip of my wine.

Louis started to go up my neck, then to my jaw, then to my chin, and finally he landed on my lips.

I could taste the wine on him and I have to be honest, I loved it.

Louis took the wine glass from me and set both of ours on the table.

He grabbed my neck and then pulled me in closer for a more heated kiss.

He started backing up and my back hit a wall so he pushed me up to it. He pushed my arms to the wall and then snaked his arms up my stomach and took my shirt off.

I let him and it felt great.

He then took his shirt off as well and reconnected our wanting lips.

I then decided to walk away from the wall with him still on my lips and I ended up crashing into my bedroom door.

Louis got down on his knees and took my pants and shoes off. He then stood and did the same. After that he opened the bedroom door and ran me backwards into the bed so I flopped down on my back, which caused him to climb on top of me as I laid down.

Louis kissed my lips and grind-ed himself down on to me, and let me tell you, I've never felt so good before. I felt like I was floating on a cloud as he rubbed himself onto me.

"Uh Lou." I said as his kisses started to go down my stomach.

"Mm." he hummed as he kissed my happy trail.

As he got closer and closer to my crotch, my stomach started to feel tight. Like, really tight.

Louis finally slid my boxers off and he smiled as he stroked my length.

"Lou." I whined.

"Shh." he shush and then kissed my member.

A bigger whine came from the back of my throat.

"So pretty, sweets." he said and then licked up my length.

"My stomach." I said which caused Louis to strip and put a condom on and lube onto himself.

I learned that from Eddie.

Louis then gently entered me and I let out a yelp.

Louis went slow which caused my walls to squeeze tighter against him.

"Uh Marcel." Louis whispered as his hips snapped into me. "Look me in the eyes sweets." he said.

So, I looked up and as soon as our orbs met, I felt nothing more but rays and rays of love circling us. I couldn't get over his sweaty forehead, his opened mouth, and his eyes looking into mine as he glided himself in and out of me.

I was gone.

But my stomach started hurting again.

"My stomach." I said again.

"It will buil-build up and you'll let g-go." Louis said getting sloppier with his hip movements.

Pretty soon I found out he was right and I was spilling onto him with a scream of pleasure. Louis then followed me.

He then pulled out and snuggled into me after taking the condom off, tying it up, and throwing it away.

"That was amazing." he said into my ear as he breathed heavily.

"I love you so much Louis." I whispered saying it out loud for the first time.

"I love you too Marcel." he said. "I'll never stop."

I laughed at his corny joke and cuddled closer into him.

I'm happy. I'm so happy.


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