Chapter 27

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"So, everyone's getting along now?" Liam asked as him an I chilled out in the living room.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Edward and Louis worked out their problems."

"God that's so good to hear. I never thought Edward would give in."

"Well, Louis almost died." I said trying not to let it bother me.

"Well, yeah." Liam nodded. "I've never seen Edward cry before. Ever."

"He thought he lost the love of his life Liam. He thought he lost a third person to a car crash that mattered so much to him. Of course he'd cry."

"Yeah." Liam nodded.

"So, is Louis going to move back in?" Niall then spoke up coming from my kitchen with a beer in his hand.

"I don't actually know that Niall." I said following him with my eyes until he was seated with Liam on the couch opposite of mine. "I don't want to screw this up again because I have too many problems. I can barely take care of myself right now. I know I came to terms with myself but I'm not healed. It's going to take years probably."

"Well, Lottie's moving in with me." Niall then said to change the topic since I was becoming uncomfortable with it.

"Oh really?" Liam asked. "Why?"

"Well I told Harry this-" Niall started out. "I got Lottie pregnant so she's moving in so I can help her."

"Oh wow." Liam said shocked. "Does Louis know?"

"No." Niall said shaking his head. "I don't want him to. I mean Lottie's his little sister and we've only been together for three months. We just now told him we are dating, so I don't want to spring it on him that I got her pregnant too."

"Yeah, that's logical." Liam nodded. "But you're going to have to tell him sometime though."

"Yeah, I know." Niall nodded.

"Well I think it will be great for Niall." I spoke up.

"How?" Niall asked.

"Well, you can get closer to Louis that way. You're apart of his family now."

"Yeah I suppose so." Niall nodded thinking. "I mean Louis, as a brother, if I ever decide to marry Lottie after she has the baby would be pretty cool."

"That will be cool if Harry marry's Louis." Liam said. "Then you'll be brothers with Harry!"

"Woe." I said shaking my head. "To fast." I said. "I won't be marrying him for years. I need to get myself in check."

"So, that means no kids in the near future either?" Niall asked.

"No!" I said in a yell. "Sorry." I coughed. "No." I said shaking my head. "That's to much. I need to be able to take care of myself first. Then Louis. Then maybe a kid. I know you Niall, can handle it. I can't. That's just not me in any way shape or form."

"I think you and Louis will make great parents." Liam said speaking up.

"No." I said again. "That can't happen for years. Maybe ten years from now I'll be ready? Like, I just got back together with him."

"You'll be in your thirties?" Liam said.

"And we aren't saying now." Niall said. "That would be crazy for you to adopt now."

"I know." I nodded. "It would be."

"God, how do women do it though?" Liam asked.

"Do what?" Niall asked him.

"Carry a baby around in their bodies and then give birth? That must be awful."

"Just be glad men can't get pregnant." I laughed.

"Oh my god, imagine if we could." Niall said with wide eyes.

"What would you do if Louis got pregnant?" Liam then asked me.

"I'd leave his ass probably. That's freaky as fuck." I answered.

"Even though you love him?" Niall asked shocked.

"That's demon shit. No thanks." I said.

"But people would say your personalities are demon shit." Niall said. "But Louis stayed with you through all your pain and suffering?"

"Alright, how about we just stop talking about this?" I asked. "It's not even real. We are getting worked up on something that's not even real."

"True." Niall nodded.

"But, we are still happy for you Ni." Liam said. "Sorry we got side tracked."

"Oh, it's cool." Niall waved off. "I'm just happy Louis and Harry are all good and in check now."

"Same." I nodded. "Louis really is amazing."

"But you would leave him if he was pregnant." Niall said into his cup as he drank it.

"And boy time is now over with." I said getting up.

"Awe, really Ni?" Liam said slapping him up side the head.

"What? I was only joking!" Niall said slapping Liam back.

I just laughed.

"Well, I also have a date with Louis tonight that I need to get ready for. So, goodbye." I waved.

"Oh, alright." Niall then said getting up as Liam followed suit. "I'll see you later then?" he asked.

"Sure thing Ni." I nodded.

"Bye H. See you later as well." Liam waved walking behind Niall to my front door.

"Bye Li. See you boys later this week." I waved back.

They then shut the door and I then started getting ready for Louis and I's date tonight.


Sorry for not posting in so long!

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