Chapter 7

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I woke up feeling satisfied.


Oh yeah, Harry and Louis had sex last night and they said the "I love you's".

Edward and I haven't said it to Louis yet because we aren't ready.

Harry's just so ready for love that he doesn't care that's it's only been 4, well I guess now 5, months.

Louis is still getting to know me and Eddie since Harry is always demanding to be the front man. So it's definitely going to take some time with us.

So, when I woke up and saw Louis staring down at me I freaked out a little.

"Morning" he smiled.

"Morning" I said scooting away a little.

"Oh, hi Marcel." Louis smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Hi." I smiled shyly.

Yeah okay so Harry is the one that said love you and had sex with Louis and Edward has had very hot make out sessions and well me?

We only have light pecks and cheek kisses. So Louis knows not to push me right now.

"Here, let's make breakfast." Louis smiled and took my hand. He intertwined our fingers and lead us downstairs to the kitchen. "Oatmeal and a bagel?" He smiled.

"You know exactly what I like." I said.

"I do." His said and kissed every knuckle on my hand.

I then blushed.

In this relationship Louis is the dominate one. I'm just to shy to do that type of stuff. Like I never kiss first. Louis has to and I love how understanding he is because after a night of sex with Harry he is keeping his normal distance away from me.

"Why are you staring at me?" Louis laughed.

"Nothing." I blushed looking away.

"Marcel." He said taking my hands and kissing them.

"I was just thinking about how understanding you are right now. Like you just had sex with Harry and you are keeping your normal distance with me and not suffocating me."

"Awe Marcel. I know you don't like that type of stuff. It's okay because I like you the way you are."

"I know and I appreciate that." I said.

We then sat down at the table to eat our breakfast.

"So what do we have planned for today sweets?" Louis asked me.

"Um, how about that park?" I asked him. "I'm in the mood for some sunlight."

"Oh yeah, that sounds nice." Louis said nodding and agreeing.

So after our breakfast we got dressed and such.

I didn't wear my same sweater vest and long pants today because it was way too hot today. So I got basket ball shorts and a tee from Harry's closet.

"You ready Marcel?" Louis called for me.

"Coming Lou!" I called.

I then rushed down stairs and when Louis turned to look at me I saw him stop a little and have to regroup himself.

"Ready?" He asked with a hoarse voice.

"Yeah." I said not really understanding why he was like that.

We then got into my car and headed to the park which didn't take to long because we arrived in less then ten minutes.

We soon got out of my car and started walking hand in hand down the parks trails.

"It's so nice out today." I said looking around as the trees were blowing in the wind.

"It's too hot today." Louis complained.

"We could go back home?"

"No it's okay." Louis said shaking his head.

"Louis if your uncomfortable I can take you home?"

"Marcel it's fine."

"Louis-" I said but I was cut off by Louis' lips connecting with mine.

"I'm fine sweets." He then said as he disconnected his lips from mine.

"Alrighty then." I said with a dopy smile.

But Louis' face suddenly turned sour.

"What?" I asked.

"Marcel!" Louis said under his breath.

"What?" I asked.

"Liam's walking up! You have to act like Harry since he saw us kissing and holding hands." He said worried.

"Okay, I'll try my best." I said to Louis. I then spoke to Harry, "Harry give me some pointers on how to be you."

"Okay well put your arm around Louis' shoulder and walk more confident." Harry said. "You look like a baby deer walking for the first time."

I frowned but quickly turned it into a smile as I put my arm on Louis shoulders and walked like Harry.

"Now kiss Louis with some passion while walking." Harry told me. "That will show Liam."

"Lou, Harry wants me to kiss you with his 'Harry' like passion." I glared.

"Okay, do it big guy." Lou laughed.

So I leaned in and kissed him. It was slow at first like normal but then Louis started to kiss me hard and might I say I let out a small moan when our tongues met.

I've never experienced such a rush before.

No wonder Harry loves kissing like this.

"Wow Marcel! Nice job sweets." Louis whispered in my ear. I then smiled and pecked his lips.

"Hey Harry! Hey Louis!" Liam said walking up.

Good, it worked.

"Hey." Louis smiled.

"Sup." I said trying to act gangster like.

"Marcel! Don't make me look stupid!" Harry shouted in my head.

"Sorry." I then replied.

"Yeah, sup?" Liam said with kitted eyebrows. "Well can one of you tell Marcel I said to text me, because I miss him. I haven't seen him since Louis here got together with me and him for study time."

"Yeah, I'll talk to him." Louis smiled.

"Okay then, thanks. Bye Louis and Harry." He waved and walked off.

When he was out of earshot Louis hugged me.

"Good job Marcel! You did so well! You deserve a kiss." He said and then kissed my lips nice and slow.

Marcel style.

"Really?" I smiled after the kiss.

"Really." He nodded. "But hey you should hang out with Liam later today."

"Well I would be spending time with him if it wasn't for Harry." I said rolling my eyes.

"What about Harry?" Louis asked.

"He's always the front man now. Haven't you noticed that Eddie and I are never here?"

"Well I guess I haven't really noticed." He said and then frowned. "I'm sorry Marcel." He apologized. "I didn't mean to ignore Eddie and you."

"It's okay." I said with a reassuring smile.

"Well what does Eddie think?"

"You don't want to know." I said rolling my eyes.

Louis then nodded small and took my hand in his.

The rest of the time spent at the park was just walking around silently taking in the fresh air since no one wanted to talk.


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