Chapter 12

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I woke up to a white room that was very bright.

I looked around the white room slowly and saw Zayn sitting on a chair asleep next to me.

Where the fuck am I?

As soon as I thought that Zayn woke up and sat up some.

"Zayn?" I called out.

Zayn looked to me and his eyes lit up.

"You're awake Edward!" he said with joy.

"Yeah, I'm awake." I said. "Where am I?" I asked confused.

"The hospital."

"What, why?" I asked more confused.

"You passed out after taking drugs."

"Oh yeah." I nodded. "How long have I been out?"

"Two days." he answered.

"Two days?" I asked.

"Yup." he nodded.

"Why weren't you passed out too?" I asked.

"Well I'm used to the drug."

"But that wasn't E?" I asked.

"I know." he nodded.

"You knew you weren't giving me E!" I shouted upset.

"Keep your fucking voice down." Zayn said in panic.

"Well you could have fucking killed me." I whisper yelled.

"Look." he said. "At the time I didn't know it wasn't E. I got the two different drugs confused. When I took it and started tripping the way I did, I knew it wasn't E and I got them confused. But you passed out on me about six hours after you took it, so I was sane enough and I helped you get here for help."

"I passed out right away?"

"No." he said shaking his head. "You passed out after six hours."

"But it felt so quick?"

"It does that. The drug we took makes you think time is faster then what it actually is. Or maybe that's just us?"

"What did we take?" I asked.


"Acid!" I said.

"Shut the fuck up man." Zayn shushed.

"You gave me acid Zayn?" I whisper yelled.

"Yeah." he nodded.

"How could you mix those up?"

"Well I was already kinda high-" he said leaving it out in the open.

I smacked my hand to my head.

"Well you could have also noticed it wasn't right."

"Well I wasn't paying attention!"

"Yeah, so don't blame me."

"I was trusting you Z. I trusted you with my life."

"The one that you still have."

I huffed.

"But you were having a good time with me after you took it."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You were tripping like crazy." he spoke. "You even thought you had a unicorn shark chasing you." he laughed as he told me. "That makes no fucking sense."

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