Chapter 13

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"I can't believe you would do that to me." Harry said into my head at Edward as Louis came in and out of the house packing his things up in his car. "I told you I loved him and then you kick him out of our home? What the fuck?"

"You don't love him Harry, we've been over this." Edward said back.

"And I don't want to talk about it anymore. Why'd you kick him out?"

"Because you asked him to move in to quickly."

"No I didn't."

"It was five months."

"That's not quick in today's world."

"Well it's quick in our world."

"No it's not Edward!" Harry yelled at Edward.

"Yes the fuck it is Harry!" Edward screamed back.

I grimaced in pain a little.

"You alright sweets?" Louis asked me and I could tell it hurt a lot using that nickname.

This must really suck for Louis because Harry or my face reminds Louis of Edward. We are the same person.

How is Louis going to deal with this?

"I'm fine." I waved off. "It's just a head ache." I said.

"Oh, okay." Louis nodded and continued about his business.

"How?" Harry asked from my head. "How is it to quick for us?"

"Because we need help Harry." Eddie answered back.

"With what?"

"We have problems! Can't you see that? We're fucking crazy!"

"No we aren't."

"Yes the fuck we are! You have two other people living in your head and taking over your body from time to time. You're fucking insane."

"No I'm not! This is normal for some people." Harry tried fighting for the win.

"Maybe it is." Edward said. "But we weren't born with this and you know damn well how we got to this point." Edward said bringing in a strong case back.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Harry said.

"Yes you do!" Eddie yelled. "Think Harry. Think well. You fucked us up."

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did. You weren't strong enough to deal with your stupid little life."

"Shut up Eddie." Harry cried out.

"No seriously. Why couldn't you have grown some fucking balls and been a man?"

"Edward stop." I warned from inside my head so Louis wouldn't hear me.

"Because." Harry said upset.

"You could have just ended everything when it was happening and we wouldn't be in this mess."

"Edward!" I yelled.

"What the hell." Harry whispered.

"Harry, I'm sorry." Edward quickly said.

"No. Don't talk to me." Harry said.

"I'm sorry Harry, wait!" Edward called out but Harry didn't answer.

"Nice going." I whispered.

"Marcel, I don't need this right now."

"Why are you acting like this?" I said upset. "When will you stop?"

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