Chapter 15

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"Alright dick face, I'm in the waiting room waiting to see the therapist." I said to Liam over the phone.

"Hello Edward." Liam said and I could just tell he was rolling his eyes.

"Hi." I said laughing.

"Uh?" He said.

"Still Edward."

"Oh okay, well, you didn't take your meds right? You need to fully be there."

"Yes, I know this Liam."

"Alright, I'm just making sure you didn't forget."

"I won't forget. I didn't forget."

"Alright, well I'll let you go then. Good luck." he said meaning it.

"Thanks." I said and then hung up.

"Harry Styles." I heard a lady call out.

"Yes." I said getting up.

"Doctor Nancy will see you know."

"Okay." I said and went into her office.

"Hello Harry." Doctor Nancy said to me as she got up. She then shook my hand.

"Hello Doctor Nancy." I greeted as I shook her hand.

"Oh, just call me Nancy." she smiled and then let go of my hand and sat back down in her chair.

"Okay." I said and sat down on my chair.

"So, Liam told me that he told you about me and said I could help you?" she asked.

"That's true." I nodded.

"So, you have Multiple Personality Disorder or for short, M.P.D?"

"Yes." I nodded.

"Well I've worked with this before."

"You have?"

"I have." she nodded.

"Oh." I nodded back.

"So tell me Harry, were you born with this?"

"Well first off, I'm Edward. I probably should have told you that."

"Okay. Well, how many personalities do you have Edward?"


"Their names?"

"Edward, Harry, and Marcel."

"Okay." she nodded as she wrote down the names on her notepad. "Well how about you snap your fingers for me every time you change personalities and then say the first letter of their name when you do it? That would help me greatly."

"Alright." I nodded still as Edward.

"So Edward, were you born with this?" Nancy then asked me.

"No." I said.

"What caused you to have this then if you weren't born with it?"

Snap "H"

"I don't feel comfortable talking about that."

"Harry, you need to tell me. I'm your therapist. I'm here to listen to your problems and help you with them."

Snap "M"

"He doesn't like talking about it and Eddie always seems to be pushing him now a days to think about it."

Snap "E"

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