Chapter 29

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"Marcel?" I heard Louis call as he entered my home.

He has a key.

"Sweets?" Louis called again for me.

"In Eddie's room!" I yelled out so he could find me.

A few minutes later I felt his arms snake around my waste.

"Hello." he said kissing my neck some.

"Hello Lou." I said turning around and kissed his lips quick. "What brings you by today?" I asked.

"I just wanted to see you." he shrugged. "I haven't got to spend time with you Marcel."

"I know." I said rolling my eyes. "Harry and Eddie are always wanting to be the front man."

"Well, I'm always missing my little innocent love bird." Louis said kissing my nose.

"Oh, I'm going to throw up." I smiled.

"The smile says other wise silly." Louis laughed.

I just blushed.

"So, since I'm over here, what do you want to do?"

"Well, how about we go to the park?" I asked.

"Picnic?" Louis then asked.

"Sure." I nodded.

We then made our way to the kitchen and packed a small lunch for us to share.

We packed turkey subs, salt and vinegar chips, and doctor peppers.

We then left in my white car to the park down town.

Once we got there, Louis laid a blanket under a really big tree. We then put the lunch out and sat down with our backs against the tree.

"It's so nice out." Louis said letting the sun hit him.

"The last time we went to the park you were complaining so bad." I said laughing a little.

"Also we ran into Liam and he thought you were Harry." Louis reminded me.

"God that feels like forever ago." I said.

"Two months." Louis said.

"That was the day before the whole Edward thing." I said.

"I know." Louis nodded. "Everything went by so fast in those two months."

"You know we've now been together for seven months?"

"But we broke up?" Louis asked confused.

"You and Harry never did. Harry's the main guy. So we've technically been together for seven months."

"Oh wow." Louis said amazed. "Almost a year with you guys."

"What was your first impression of Harry?" I then found myself asking.

"Hot." Louis answered right away.

I laughed and then Louis laughed too.

"I'm serious though." Louis said. "We met in that dance bar when he was with Niall. I thought he was hot and when he asked me out I thought 'why not' you know? Might as well live a little. I then went on the date with him and thought he was a cool guy. I might as well give him a chance."

"What about Edward?" I then asked.

"Oh, well at first I was scared of him when I met him in that coffee shop. I felt like he was going to rip me apart for getting his name wrong, but then all of a sudden he was nice. Now I know Harry probably got him in check." Louis chuckled.

"And me?" I then asked a little nervous.

"Oh, you Marcel?" Louis said. "Dork. Complete dork."

"Oh." I said nodding.

"But a cute dork." Louis smiled and I smiled back. "I actually thought that I met the wrong brother when I met you at the library when I still thought you know, that Harry, Edward, and you were triplet brothers."

"Wrong brother?" I asked confused.

"Yeah." he nodded. "I thought with my love of writing and books that you were the one I should have met and dated. I really enjoyed your company when I first met you at the library with my new friend at the time, Liam."

"Wow, I didn't know that." I blushed.

"Well, you know it now." he smiled.

"Let's eat?" I then asked.

"Of course." Louis nodded.

I then got out our food and Louis and I had a nice conversation and lunch.

Everything went really well and we even packed up all of our things and walked hand in hand around the lake after lunch.

I didn't look at the sunset when it started happening since we stayed so late, but I kept my eye on Louis. He really is a site for the gods.

He's beautiful.

He really is.

"Marcel, stop staring at me." Louis said as we walked around the lake.

I saw him blushing though.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because, the sunset is something you should watch instead of me." he said answering me.

"Why?" I asked again.

"Because it's beautiful." he spoke.

"You're beautiful." I said back to his comment.

"Oh stop." he smiled.

We then stopped walking and I turned to him.

"I love you Louis. You're so gorgeous." I whispered to him.

"I love you too Marcel. You're just as special." he whispered back.

I leaned in and locked our lips together.

I love that spark I feel with him every time we kiss.

It's magical.

Just then clouds opened up and rain seemed to fall from the sky like the Niagara Falls.

"Oh shit!" Louis screeched pulling away from our kiss.

"Let's get home!" I yelled and grabbed his hand.

We both ran to the car and got in.

I then started driving home so we could get out of this weather.

We then got to my house and I pulled him inside.

"Marcel, I drove here. I need to go since the day's done with." Louis said as I walked him to the elevator.

"You aren't driving in this weather. I don't want to almost loose you again from a freak car accident."

Louis then smiled and agreed to come upstairs with me and spend the night tonight.


I am so sorry guys that I haven't been on in so long! Seriously like I have no excuses, like no school excuses, no family, no nothing. I seriously don't know what I've been doing. So to make it up to everyone... next week I'm going to be updating two times in the same day. So be on the lookout everybody!

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