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If you happen to be a fan of MHRise or NSR and you happened to have clicked on this story because it seemed odd and interesting, and you genuinely want to see how this goes down, then you're in luck!

*Side note: This story mashes up Kamura village with Vinyl City, so it will be a mix of traditional Japanese style buildings and the typical modern buildings in Vinyl City. If you don't like to see the serene aspects of Kamura being mixed with the loudness and abstract aspects of Vinyl City, then please do find a different story, because this may not be the right story for you.*

*Any pencil drawings you might see will all belong to me*

Vinyl Village is a spectacular, grand village like no other. The architecture, colors and modernity is what makes it a unique place. You will see advertisements of the NSR artists in each district you travel, bright lanterns strung on rooftops; and don't forget about the NSR Tower! So bright, so grand!

The village is divided into five districts: Cast Tech, Akusuka, Natura, Metro Division, and Dream Fever; all dominated by their charters. The districts all have barricades at their outskirts for defense from monster hordes. When one district is under attack by a horde, usually the charters from the other districts will rush to 'said district' and aid them in combat.

The NSR artists also happen to be hunters. Each have their own instruments whenever they have a performance, but when it's time to hunt or defend the village (as well as their districts), they will use their weapons.

*Unlike Kamura village of MHRise, where it's calm and serene, Vinyl Village is....more or less the opposite. It's serene, for the most part, but it is quite loud.*
CAST (well, the ones most important to the story, that is)
-MAYDAY: our charming, tomboyish female protagonist; is a hunter
-ZUKE: Mayday's sidekick; is a hunter
-TATIANA: the CEO of NSR; Elder of Vinyl Village
-DJ SUBATOMIC SUPERNOVA/DJSS: Charter of Cast Tech district in Vinyl Village, sometimes called "Nova" for short; is a hunter
-SAYU: Charter of Akusuka district; is a hunter
-DK WEST: Zuke's brother; had some dispute with Zuke a way back, now there's a truce between the two; not a hunter, but knows how to fight
-YINU: Charter of Natura district; is a hunter
-MOTHER/MS. NATURA: Yinu's mother; helps Yinu with her hunts and defenses
-NEON J: Charter of Metro Division, 1010's "instructor"; is a veteran hunter, but still hunts today
-1010: Infamous robot boy band (Rin, Purl-Hew, Zimelu, Haym, Eloni); are hunters
-EVE/NADIA: Charter of Dream Fever district, has an artistic mind; is a hunter
-KLIFF: Mayday and Zuke's mentor; is not a hunter, but he knows the ways of training and quite a resource for NSR

*I know that he tries to destroy the NSR in the game, (spoiler alert) but not in this mashup! He is actually helping the village out*
-MAYDAY: since her instrument is an electric guitar, I can most definitely see a Great Sword as her weapon.
-ZUKE: plays the drums (with drumsticks). For a weapon, he would definitely main the Dual Blades
-TATIANA: though in NSR, she doesn't seem to have an instrument at the moment, but she was revealed to be Kul Fyra (another spoiler) and her weapon back then was an electric guitar. She would also main the Great Sword
-DJ SUBATOMIC SUPERNOVA/DJSS: he is a DJ, not quite sure what instrument he plays, but his weapon would have to be something, heavy. Perhaps the Hammer would do him good.
-SAYU: Instrument is the the trident of Neptune(?), so her weapon should something nimble and graceful, something that fits her, like the Lance.
-DK WEST: highly doubt he uses an instrument himself, he only seems to use his voice. Maybe the Hunting Horn would be a great option.
-YINU: instrument is a piano. Her weapon would be something that's light on her. Hmmmmm. Ah! I know! She would main the Sword and Shield!
-MOTHER/MS. NATURA: I don't know man, the Gunlance?
-NEON J: hmmmmmmmm something strong. Either the Charge Blade or the Switch Axe. Hmmmm. I think the Switch Axe would be a great candidate.
-1010: All of them would have the same weapon. The weapon would sorta fit their appearance. Since the band are very flexible, they could be good with the Long Sword.
-EVE/NADIA: her instrument is her mind and body? How odd and unique. Her weapon should be something elegant like herself. I can soooo see her with the Bow.
-KLIFF: ummmm, he doesn't fight, sorry.

-plays when BBJ (Bunk Bed Junction) defeats a monster after using the Show Stopper

-contains mild language
-will contain blood and gore (mostly during battle or hunting)
If any of these mentioned triggers you, please find a different story. This is not for you then.

Oh! And one more thing!

*NSR would basically be the Hunters Guild.*

*And since this is a mashup, there will be palicos, palamutes, cohoots, etc.*

*And the dreaded monsters.....*

[DISCONTINUED] No Straight Roads x Monster Hunter RiseWhere stories live. Discover now