Chapter 13- Loki

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I hadn't left her side since she wrapped her dainty little arms around me, not even when she fell asleep beside me while I stared at her fucking face

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I hadn't left her side since she wrapped her dainty little arms around me, not even when she fell asleep beside me while I stared at her fucking face. My eyes just couldn't look away from the fingerprints that marked her dark skin. It made my chest boil with rage, my brain and heart were fighting against each other. My brain was telling me to stop jumping to conclusions and be smart but my heart was telling me to go downstairs and beat the living shit out of her father.

I knew she was lying to me. Eris was good at hiding but I was better, I knew when she was lying or when she was scared or nervous. I knew everything about Eris because I analyzed her every chance I got, only because I wanted to understand her. When I met her, she was a puzzle and she still is but now she was a halfway put together puzzle. I was still trying to put the other half together.

She was just like me in so many aspects but she was also so very different. Eris was kind and bright, beautiful and soothing. I was a brute. Dark and moody, angry and vindictive but we also had stories that intertwined with eachother, unknown and hidden because we were so afraid of the consequences. The heartache it would cause. It's why we got along so well but fought so much. Why we were hot and cold but couldn't stay away from eachother.

I'd never be okay without Eris and that scared me. I tried to stay away but it's so fucking hard when she's the only thing that makes me want to smile. She makes every spark of anger disappear.

I shift slightly, careful not to wake her up as she sleeps in my arms. She needed it. I could tell how fucking exhausted she was the moment I saw her. Fatigue painted her sharp features heavily, dark circles under her eyes that never use to be there. Or maybe they were and I just never noticed because I believed the facade she put up. The one where she acted like she was the happiest person in the world but really she was fucking drowning and I didn't even know how deep.

My sweet girl wasn't okay and she couldn't see that. She didn't understand that what happened to her face wasn't okay. It'll never be okay. She didn't even realize that it was only the beginning, it always starts off with one hit and we think it'll pass on. We're naive and think that maybe it was deserved until it happens again. This was just the start and I was planning on saving her before it had even finished because losing Eris was non-negotiable. I'd set the world on fire before I'd let another finger touch her.

I just needed a few days to think about what to do and talk to my brother. I just needed evidence that it really was her father. I needed to confirm it. Something in my gut told me it was but my gut was also wrong half of the time. Listening to my gut got me addicted to drugs in the first place, it's why I wanted to be careful with this.

A whimper catches my attention, breaking me out of my thoughts. My eyes fall onto the way Eris's eyebrows furrow, almost as if she's in pain. When I reach out to touch her arm, she has goosebumps rising against her dark skin. I frown when another whimper falls from her pouty lips, only her jaw was trembling this time. "Mommy..." She sniffles, her head shaking, "Please...."

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