Chapter 7- Eris

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It's dark outside as I lay on the ground between Lucas and Milan of the football field

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It's dark outside as I lay on the ground between Lucas and Milan of the football field. We had just finished driving back from Milan's place after having his parents force feed me. After leaving, we had quickly stopped by the store to pick up a bunch of alcohol.

Milan is the first one to speak up, "You guys remember the rule right?" He asks, "Whatever happens here, stays here." He reminds us, it was a pact the three of us made a while ago. We did this every once and a while, just to escape reality. The rule was made up when the three of us started getting deep into some real serious topics, personal. We didn't want everyone knowing what we went through. This was a safe place for us.

We nod. "You know..." I start, "We should name our little trio."

Lucas rolls his eyes, "What would you name it?" He asks anyways, feeding into my idea.

I frown, "Why do I have to come up with the name?"

Lucas snickers when Milan flicks my forehead, "We should name it ELM Night." Milan says, thoughtfully. He laughs when our eyebrows furrow with confusion. "What?" He asks.

"What does ELM stand for?" Lucas wonders, moving to sit up.

"Eris, Lucas, Milan." Milan smiles, his hand reaching out to start opening the alcohol.

"That's stupid." I say, crossing my arms.

He lets out a low chuckle, "Well when you come up with a better name, let me know." He retorts, a lazy smile etched on his face as he finishes opening the first bottle, "So how do you guys want to start? Want to play a game?" He suggests, placing the bottle in the middle when I finally move to sit up.

"Do you have a game in mind?" I ask.

He stares at me for a moment as if he's in deep thought, "Let's start off with the basic game." A slow smile spreads on his face, "Truth or Drink. If you don't want to drink, you tell the truth. If you don't feel like telling the truth then you drink." He explains, "I'll start."

His eyes flicker over towards Lucas, "Truth or drink?"

Lucas mulls over it for a moment, "Truth." He chooses, starting the game.

"Is it true you're gay?" He asks, his face so serious that I burst into laughter.

Lucas's eyes crinkle fondly at our friends stupidity, "Am I gay?" He repeats, tilting his head, "You know, I never really thought about that. I don't really have a preference, I just like who I like. You know?" He tells us, truthfully.

A proud feeling creeps at my chest, "Same." I agree, shoving at his shoulder as we share a smile. It wasn't really a secret that I had been with both women and men. Everyone knew and it wasn't something I was ashamed of.

"You're turn." Milan tells Lucas, gesturing him to ask me a question.

Lucas's eyes meet mine, "Truth or drink."

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