85th North Division Training Corps - Wall Maria

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Year 836:

You suddenly snapped back to reality looking at the white-haired commander continue to call out on people as he began to move towards you, staring down at you.

"NAME?!?!" his eyes trailed and inspected every bit of you, placing your right fist on the left side of your chest resting your other arm behind your back, blurting back loudly "F/N Ackerman! From Northern Wall Maria, Sir!".

"F/N Ackerman? WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE HERE?!" he hissed at you.

"TO SERVE IN THE SURVEY CORPS AND DEFEAT THE TITANS, SIR!" you replied loudly staring at the man's stone-cold eyes.

"Good, you'd make great as titan bait go back to the nothing you came from" he walked away to torment the next person.

You finally made it to the Training Corps to fulfill your lifelong dreams of joining the Survey Corps and exploring the outside world.

You place both your hands behind your back waiting until you could make it back to the dormitories since tomorrow you had ODM training.

You couldn't wait for these 3 years to be over.



You looked down at your dinner the canned soup warmed up with bread and some water. You took a bite of your bread and a spoon of the soup finally getting to eat after the long day of training.

You sat in your skirt that reached your ankles and the black cardigan you wore provided warmth along with a white dress shirt.

You continued to eat before finishing dinner, by the time you finished the bell had rung and you had to get ready for bed you picked up the dirty dishes and brought them to clean them up throwing the can in the bin before scrubbing the plate clean.

You headed out of the kitchen and walked to the girl's dorms you changed into your pajamas before heading towards the soft mattress of the bed and slept into the comfort of the linen.



You woke up early and had breakfast your uniform draping your body as you made your way to the training field looking at the tall poles that stood, as the teachers began coming in you looked at them demonstrating the use of the ODM gear.

As the training commenced you saw a lot of good trainees and a lot of bad ones, ones that have maintained their balance and ones that have flipped upside down. You waited until it was your turn standing patiently as you watched, eager to try it on.

Multiple names went by until yours was finally picked up "F/N ACKERMAN!" the man yelled.

You began walking up to the poles the wires being attached to your belt as the other soldiers began raising you up. Maintaining your balance you dangled in the air your legs keeping you up and still, the teacher watched impressed at your form.

A few minutes passed before you finally finished the ODM gear training, you had passed and were deemed worthy of being a survey corps soldier.

You went on to combat skills training, walking around the dry, rough ground watching as some people slacked off while others were pushing each others around on the field.

You were stopped in your tracks by a red haired girl wearing a ponytail, they had beautiful crystal blue eyes that shined in the bright sun. She looked at you before speaking.

"Hello!" the girl waved as you stood in front of her, she looked at you confused rubbing her temples.

"I'm Helga Bauer, I saw how well you held your balance on the ODM gear training. So I wondered if you wanted to practice together in combat training." the girl smiled at you with a hint of confidence plastered around your face, you weren't in the mood to fight or break someone's bones so you continued on.

"I'm sorry I'll have to refuse, I'm too weak" you responded attempting to walk past her instead she held her arms out blocking you from crossing. You stared at her arm before looking towards her blue eyes.

"Come on, don't be scared." Helga giggle staring at you through your lens, you sigh before stepping back going into a fight stance as she held the wooden dagger in her hand pointing it at you giving a bright but eery smile.

She ran to you fastily holding the dagger in her hand before she could get to you, you moved out of the way so she could tumble forward before she could regain her balance you wrapped an arm around her neck and pinned her to the floor placing grabbing the dagger away from her grasp.

She huffed and placed an hand on your shoulder signalling for you to get off, getting up she dusted her hair and clothes.

"Maybe I underestimated you." she giggled a little rolling her eyes before walking away, that's when you noticed a brown haired girl with a ponytail and glasses watching you from afar.

You got up and went to sit down throwing the dagger away, the instructor called for everyone to head back to the dormitories as you walked in the sun beginning to set. Going into the kitchen to grab some dinner you went to sit on the bench of the table sipping the soup from your spoon and biting onto the stale bread they served.

When you were done you continued on with your boring routing going to throw away the can and watch the dishes then head to your room and go to sleep.

Going to your room you stripped off your clothes and replaced them with a pair of comfy pajamas before heading to bed and sinking under the cover watching the shine of the bright moonlight. Shutting your eyes you drifted off to sleep.


You woke up to a loud bell forcing you to wake up form your slumber watching other people getbup and get ready. Putting on your uniform you tightened the straps around your legs before draping your jacket around your soldiers. Going to sit down on your bed you pulled up your boots reaching your knees clicking the buckles together.

Biting on your bread loaf you looked out the windows to the scorching, bright sun reflecting on the windows. You finished up eating washing the dishes and heading out to a storage room to assemble your 3DMG.

Grabbing your 3DMG you placed it around you hooking it onto your belt and filled the contents with gas and blades and head out to breakfast before walking outside to the forest's training fields.

You trotted on your horse as the hooves clamped against the dry dirt, the training commander signalling to switch to ODM gear.

You pulled out your hook grips with other people from your corps surrounding you, you sheathed your blades and went on with training firing your hooks into trees and pulling your body weight to find titan dummies.

You spotted two racing towards them maneuvering into the dummies slicing deeply into the cushion before moving on, you continued on watching your other classmates train as you continued to shoot your hooks into nearby trees and cut into the artifical titans.

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