A Choice With No Regrets IIII

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It was early in the morning when you got up, you were currently sitting on your horse as it galloped before Erwin yelled out "ALL SQUADS DEPLOY THE LONG DISTANCE SCOUTING FORMATION!".

You headed towards your spot on the formation, you were situated on the same lane as Hange but on the right side while they were on the left side.

As you continued going along feeling the refreshing breeze fly through your hair and cape you were quick to see a red flare.

Multiple units fired a green flare before it was your turn, "Lena" you eyed the brunette girl with a ponytail "Fire a green flare" you moved your eyes back towards the view in front of you.

"Okay, Squad Leader!" Lena responded getting her flare ready as she shot the smoke towards the direction of the formation.

You looked up at the sky ahead of you "That doesn't seem too good" you uttered to your squad members as they began to look up at the dark storm clouds.

A drop of rain fell and not even a few seconds later a downpour came ahead quickly pulling your hood over your eyes to avoid the rainwater from getting into your eyes your squad did the same.

"Damn it!" you mumbled looking around as a thick blanket of fog started to form around you.

The flare guns would be useless in this kind of weather, what type of rain is this? God how unlucky... "Squad leader, we can't see in this weather!" Monika yelled at you in concern.

"I know but we have no option other than scouting forward until further notice!" you look over to the brown-haired female before looking back at the hazy view.

Damn it, there could be a titan anywhere near us and we wouldn't even know looking up to the sky you prayed the rain would stop anytime soon. Until then you scouted forward clicking your tongue in annoyance.

You continued scouting forward waiting for any signals in case the rain clears up or the command squad shoots a sound grenade, it wasn't until you saw a large cloud of steam build-up that didn't look like rainy fog.

"Is that...?" you mumbled "Head over there! There might be a survivor you ordered as you galloped your horse to the mountain of steam.

Continuing to move forward as the steam began clearing up you headed towards Erwin noticing the raven-haired man on the floor.

"Levi! Are you the only one left?" Erwin asked "The corpses of the titans... You did this alone?".

All of a sudden in a swift move the blonde-haired man was grabbed and thrown to the floor you hopped off your horse quickly to grab your grip and draw your sword looking towards Levi.

"Stay back," Levi instructed pointing his sword to you and Mike before pressing it against Erwin's neck.

"Tch..." you clicked your tongue standing still in your spot near Mike.

"Erwin. I'm going to kill you, you bastard. That's why I'm here" he began to press his blade deeper into Erwin's neck.

"So they all died? I see" Erwin said quietly looking to the floor then back to Levi

Digging into his jacket's inner pocket Erwin pulled out a letter "This is what I supposedly have on Nicholas Lovof" Erwin held the letter up in front of Levi.

"So you knew..." Levi responded looking at the letter.

"Unfortunately, you're too late" Erwin opened the letter revealing blank pieces of paper that scattered in the mud.

"Hey..." Levi mumbled, "What are you trying to say here...?".

"It was a bluff" Erwin answered looking directly at Levi's eyes.


"I knew that Lovof was embezzling the military funds left over from the suspension of the Survey Corps these last few years" he explained "I spread false information because I wanted definite proof to back him into a corner".

"This is Lovof we're talking about, and he's cautious. I thought he would make some kind of move first to confirm the existence of the documents." Erwin stated further "As I expected he hired you three, if he'd made a move there'd surely be some trace".

"Following those back, it didn't take much time for the proof to fall into my hands. I was able to pick up on him because he made a move from his end."

"Knowing that much, why did you bring us into the corps?" Levi questioned as the rain fell down his face like a waterfall.

"One reason was your exceptional prowess. And another was to use you as partners to throw off Lovof" the blonde-haired man continued to talk as Levi started to slowly dig his blade deeper.

"But there's no longer any need for that" you looked over to Levi holding your blade sideways "The real documents are currently in the hands of Commander-In-Chief Zackly."

"It's all over for Lovof" he claimed

"It wasn't worth throwing away their lives!" Levi shouted back, you got prepared to run over to Erwin "They were nothing but pawns in your worthless game".

"Well, you lose" Levi slashed his blade across Erwin's right neck you quickly ran over to him before stopping noticing Erwin grabbed the blade before Levi could reach any further.

"Worthless game? Who's the one who killed my subordinates, your friends? Was it me? Was it you?" Erwin continued to push away the blade slowly getting up "Do you think that if you had come to attack me together that the two would have made it out alive?".

"That's right... It was my conceit... My damned pride is to blame..." Levi sighed standing back, you kind of felt bad for him when he said that you stood a little back from your attack raising your blade down.

"NO!" Erwin yelled in Levi's face "IT WAS THE TITANS!".

"Where did the titans come from? Why do they exist? Why do they eat people? We don't know! We're completely ignorant!"

"And as long as we stay ignorant, they'll keep eating us. We'll never turn the tables on them by staying inside the walls." Erwin then pointed behind him "Look around you!".

"In this wide-open place, there are no walls, no matter how far you go. Here, there might be something to free us from our despair".

"But there are people who would keep us from leaving the walls. They stay where danger can't reach them, obsessively thinking only of their own profits and losses" Erwin fully rose towering over Levi as he grabbed his cape looking down at him.

"It's understandable, the clouded eyes of mankind blocked for a hundred years by the walls. They can't see the other side." he looked straight into Levi closely.

"What about you, Levi? Have your eyes remained clouded?"

"Will you kill me and return to the darkness of the underground? We won't give up on going outside the walls. Fight with the Survey Corps, Levi! Humanity needs your skill!" his words spiked through Levi's heart, a wave of emotion going through him.

You stood away from Levi retracting your blade and placing your grips back under your arms before climbing onto your horse again.

"From here on out there's no deal".



As Levi had agreed on joining the Scouts he sat back onto his horse as you positioned your horse next to Mike. "Hurry! we're heading for the supply wagon team to get dry sound grenades. We'll reform the corps using that point as a base." Erwin ordered.

"The titans might become more active once the weather clears up" you informed looking over the Erwin "We'll meet up with the vanguard leaders before our losses become any greater" Mike replied.

"And we'll return alive!" Erwin stated loudly as you began to take off on your horse, trotting forward as the loudhooves smashed against the mud.H

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