Battle for Trost

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In the year 845 due to the sudden appearance of the Colossal Titan and the Armored Titan, our daily lives crumbled within the wall.

Humanity abandoned Wall Maria, lost 20% of its population and a third of its territory, and was confined behind Wall Rose in one moment.

The titan assault on Trost District resulted in heavy soldier casualties, owing, in part, to the fact that the elite Scout Regiment was absent at the time.

They had just left that morning on an exterior scouting mission.

You trotted on your horse through Trost district making it to the exit "It's here! The main unit of the Scout Regiment!" a person in the crowd yelled.

"Commander Erwin! Give those titans a real thrashing!" another person called out.

"Look! It's Captain Levi!"

"They say he's as might as an entire brigade" you rolled your eyes maybe out of jealousy maybe not, you still remembered when you were the strongest.

"Tch. Talk about annoying..." Levi uttered looking at the crowd.

"Tch. Talk about annoying" you mocked as Levi rolled his eyes at your antics.

"If their looks of envy catch sight of how fussy you are, it'll crush them," Hange said staring at Levi.

Making your way to the gate you sat behind Hange staring at her beautiful ponytail even though it was greasy and messy.

"Outside await the titans...!" Hange exclaimed smiling as they clasped their hands together "I wonder what kind we'll see this time!".

"I hope we find some Abnormals! That'd be great!".

"I'd say there's already an Abnormal right here" your eyes widened at Levi's words

"Huh?! Where?!" Hange looked around, Levi then grabbed her head making her face him "Here". See, he is the abnormal he even said it himself.

"Move out!" Commander Erwin yelled

The scouts walked out on their horses making their way into Wall Maria as they trotted forward, soon later making it to a nearby town swarmed with titans.

Exterior scouting and establishing bases for expansion... Entrusted with these duties, the Scout Regiment stands at the apex of humankind's knowledge.

Survival rates have increased dramatically thanks to the resourcefulness of some members, but excursions into titan territory still always result in casualties exceeding 30%.

That's simply how overwhelmingly powerful the Titans are compared to humans.

You lead your squad over splitting some of them up in different directions activating your 3DMG gear you shot your hooks in houses reeling them in. making your way on a rooftop you noticed a titan facing the other way making it an easy killing.

Sheathing your blades you shot into the titan's nape hastily slicing it open before stumbling back onto the roof luckily landing on your legs. Hopefully, you didn't dull your blades checking them in




Looking and it was still flexible, thank god! Continuing on you spotted another titan orbiting around it avoiding its hands you spun and successfully cut open its nape the blood splattered on your grips.

Traveling through the buildings fastly you found another titan.

"Oi! You ugly piece of shit!" before the titan could turn you shot your hook into its nape and sliced it before landing back onto the rooftop.

"Damn it..." the blades dulled removing them you looked around to check if the coast is clear looking around. "Squad Leader F/N!" you heard Johnson's voice.

"Yes?" you turn around to the light-haired boy

"Commander Erwin says to retreat! Trost District may have fallen" Johnson informed quickly with other members behind them.

"Alright, look for Monika and Anton! I'll go find Lia and Lena!" you ordered jumping off the roof your cape floating behind you before shooting your hooks.

You scurried along the air moving to find your squad members, finding the sight of a brown-haired ponytail and let down short curly brown hair you made your way over to them.

"Lia, Lena! We're retreating! Grab your horses and meet with Commander Erwin!" you instructed as they looked at you.

"Huh? Why?!" Lena asked.

"Trost District may have fallen, now quickly! Meet up near the horses!" you said leaving to find your horse.

Spotting the saddle and the sight of your dark brown horse you made your way down grabbing the reins and heading over to Erwin waiting for your squad.

As your squad collected fully, thankfully no one in your squad died you exited the town and made a long way back to Trost.



As you finally made your way back to Trost District by climbing the wall you noticed 4 people and a boulder plugged "Oi, rascal that tried to kill Erwin!".

"What?" he responded as you pointed towards the boulder with 4 people and 2 titans in front. "Tch".

He jumped on the wall spinning and cutting both napes of the titans the first person was coming out of a...


"Huh?" Hange looked over in your direction "What is it?".

"Nothing" you responded.

You jumped off the wall and made your way to two other titans cutting both their napes before stopping on a roof.

Afterwards, thanks to the actions of the Scout Regiment and the Garrison Regiment's Corps of Engineers.

Wall Rose once again held the titans at bay. Taking out the rest of the Titans trapped inside Trost took a full day, during which the wall-mounted cannons fired nonstop.

Most of the titans that had gathered by the wall were wiped out by explosive shells. The few that remained were mostly mopped up by the Scouts. During this, one 4-meter titan and one 7-meter titan were successfully captured alive.


207 people were dead or missing, and 897 were injured. Although this was the first time humanity had stopped a titan invasion, far too many people had been lost to celebrate this historic achievement.

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