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Year 838:

Training flew by like a breeze and it was already your graduation, you were lined up first and top of the class standing near the other cadets in your division. You finally passed the 85th North Division Training Corps you could die of happiness right now as in 2 days you were heading to Trost District to join the Survey Corps.



After the ceremony, you sat on the wooden bench in the mess hall sipping from your mug excitedly until a woman with a messy ponytail and glasses came up to you. Hange Zoë... she was a kind person and you found her pretty cool. "Hey, F/N!" she waved taking a seat by you.

"Have you made up your mind?" she asked "Are you planning to join the Military Police, you ranked top after all!".

"I've made up my mind since I first joined, I'm going to join the Survey Corps" you slightly smiled at her, Hange's mouth dropped at your words until she clasped your hand and rose back into a wide grin.

"You're joining the Survey Corps?! So am I!" you looked at her happy expression "I've always wanted to get rid of the titans for good so humanity can win!" she stared at the table.

"I agree" you responded turning towards the woman who sat in front of you.



2 days later-

You stood at the stables with Hange by your side, you'd been able to grow closer to her by the past two days and you were in the same squad.

The squad leader's name was Christof Kraus, he began introducing himself before the soldiers arrived with the new uniforms.

They handed over the uniforms, there wasn't much since not many people join the Scouts, you grabbed the jacket and the cloak removing the old trainee ones and draping the new scouting clothes around your body.

After the introduction, you were meant to be heading towards a class since there would be a new expedition coming up in a month and you were supposed to be learning the new scouting formation.

Walking into the class you took a seat next to Hange staring at the board showing a bunch of circles. You listened closely as the squad leader with brown hair began explaining "We will be positioned here" he pointed with a stick near the bottom right a layer behind "This is at the vanguard, the outer position will encounter the most titans" he pointed towards the outer end.

"We will ride together in this formation to protect the carts together and attempt to avoid any contact with titans," he said.

You Really Are Incredible (Hange x GN!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now