104th South Division Cadet Corps

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You rode with your squad to the graudation ceremony to attempt to convince the 104th cadet corps to join the Survey Corps. Eren claimed that there were people that wanted to join but he wasn't sure of now anymore.

As you made it to the area you waited until night would fall for the Commander to reveal his presentation.

As the day grew darker the Special Operations Squad arrived to the area standing behind the stage there was only a few more minutes to hours until the sky would turn darker. You could tell from the sunset growing darker.

When the dark lavender colour painted above with some clouds, the fire crackled allowing light to see. The sky was a beautiful colour, it reminded you of your graduation...

Erwin walked onto the stage the 104th rookies gathering up looking at him from a certain distance. "I am Commander Erwin Smith of the Scout Regiment. Today you choose a regiment to join." he stated.

"To put it bluntly, this is my invitation for you to join the Scouts. I am sure that, after this recent titan attack, you've already come to know their horror, as well as the limits of your own abilities".


"Throught this battle, humanity has gained an unprecedented advancement toward victory. I'm referring to Eren Jaegar. He has proven by risking life and limb, that he is unquestionably on our side" Erwin assured.

"What's more, he has helped us not only foil the titan's invasion, but given us a way to learn the truth behind the titans as well!".

A loud gasp broke out between the cadets surprised of the Commander's words. Eren better not disappoint...

"We have the reason to believe that the basement of his home in Shiganshina houses a secret of the titans that not even he is aware of".

"If we can just reach this basement we may be able to obtain information that will help us break free from the Titans century-long tyranny".

The cadets started to gossip and whisper to each other in shock and quite interested.

"We will head for the basement in Shiganshina District. However doing so will require taking back Wall Maria" Erwin claimed as Petra held the large scroll tightly in her hands.

"In other words, our goal is the same as it's always been" Erwin turned over to Petra and Mike opening up the scroll revealing a copy of the walls as Trost had a big red cross on it representing that we could not longer take that route anymore.

"...but not that Trost's gate is unusable, we've got no choice but to depart from Calaneth District, further to the east. The entire battalion route we spent four years establishing is now useless".

"During those four years, over 60% of the scouts died. 60% in four years. Truly unbelievable numbers. In one month there will be an outside scouting mission. New recruits from your class will take part in it, of which I estimate 30% will die".

"And in four years, most will be dead. However, whoever prevails will have become a highly skilled soldier who can survive anything. Knowing this dismal state of affairs, whoever still wishes to put their life on the lines, remain here".

"Ask yourself... if you can give your heart for the sake of humankind!" he exclaimed loudly.

"That is all.".

"Those who wish the join other regiments may leave".

"Sir! Don't you think that was overly intimidating?! No one's going to stay behind now!" a random scout asked.

You stepped a little infront crossing your arms "The weak will leave, the strong will stay. They should truly ask themselves if they want to die when the walls get attacked again with the people they love dying with them... or die knowing they fought strongly and keeping their family members safe." you debated as Erwin lightly smiled at you nodding his head in agreement.

You watched as people began walking away one by one to either join the Military Police Regiment of the Garrison Regiment. Though you noticed people who were strong enough to continue fighting and you applauded their braveness.

"If you cadets were told to die, could you?" Erwin asked "We don't wish to die, Sir!" a random person yelled out loud, the Commander grinned in return.

"I see. You each have an outstanding look about you. All of you here are hereby accepted as new members of the Scout Regiment! This is a geniuine salute!" he rose his right fist to his left chest placing his left arm behind his back.

"GIVE YOUR HEARTS!" Erwin shouted as the cadets did the same.

"Yes, Sir!" they yelled back.

"You've done well to endure your fear. You're all brave soldiers. I respect you from the bottom of my heart".

Their training began the next day. However, it was focused less on actual combat and more on having Commander Erwin's long-range scouting formation drummed into their heads. Oddly enough, although it was a precise calculated formation.

Eren Jaegar's position was nowhere to be found.

You were placed on the defense section, your squad being placed there by Erwin in order to protect Eren, for the soldiers who have joined before the fall of Wall Maria Erwin had warned of a threat that may be encountered on the 57th expedition.

The expedition was meant to be a go out and come back type of mission to find a new route to Wall Maria.

The bell rang as the titans have been lured away from the gate "We've lured the nearby titans away!" a scout informed.

"Thirty seconds to gate opening!" you sat on your horse looking forward with your squad behind you as the gate began to fully open you prepared your reins.

"This is it! Humanity is now about to take another step forward! Show us what you're made of! Open the gate!".

"FORWARD!" Erwin shouted moving his horse forward as you began to exit the gate with your squad "NOW COMMENCING THE 57th EXTERIOR SCOUTING MISSION! MOVE OUT!".

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