A Choice With No Regrets III

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Several months had passed since the three new recruits had joined you sat on your horse with your squad behind you waiting for the gate to open. Looking over to Hange's happy self you prayed she'd survive, she's changed a lot over the past years.

She didn't hate titans anymore instead she loved them and wanted to experiment with them. You didn't mind though but sometimes her behavior got out of hand.

You were there to look after her but Moblit came along and took your place basically, you brushed off your feelings and continued to focus on the expedition.

"OPEN THE GATE!! OPEN THE GATE!!" the Commander yelled loudly as the stone gate began to lift.

"TODAY WE TAKE ONE MORE STEP FORWARD!! SHOW ME WHAT YOU LEARNED IN TRAINING!! TEACH THEM THE POWER OF THE HUMAN RACE!!" Shadis continued to blabber on as you sat on your horse your cape draped comfortably across your shoulders.

As the gate fully opened forward the Commander shouted again "ALL TROOPS!! ADVANCE!!" your horse galloped forward through the gate

You went under the gate before entering outside Shiganshina district.

You continued to gallop forward with your squad the ODM gear rattling against your thighs as the horse's hooves clicked against the grass.

The expedition was going great so far as the group went on to make their way to a supply checkpoint.

"TITAN SPOTTED!!" you heard Erwin yell. "AT 10 O'CLOCK!! ONE 15-METRE CLASS IN THE FOREST!! IT'S COMING THIS WAY!!" the Commander informed loudly "IT'S CLOSE WE CAN'T JUST SLIP BY... THERE'S NO CHOICE! ENGAGE!!".

"VANGUARD WITH ME!! THE REST OF THE FORCE, KEEP ADVANCING TO THE SUPPLY POINT" he continued to shout you galloped forward listening to his orders.

"SWITCH TO MANEUVERING!! DON'T LET IT OUT OF THE FOREST!!". You continued cantering on your horse attempting to avoid the titan until you noticed another big one "THERE WAS A SECOND TITAN HIDING!! 20 METRE CLASS! HEADING THIS WAY!!".

The commander shouted to the rest of the scouts you looked over to the huge titans. You were planning to engage with the other titan but waiting a while to see if it's an abnormal or not.

"WE'LL DRAW IT AWAY!! REARGUARD! INCREASE SPEED! AND SHAKE IT OFF!!" another soldier ordered as your horse continued to gallop near the squad, your cape flying through the wind.

"LEAD IT INTO THE FOREST" Flagon yelled out galloping towards the forest trying to lead the titan along with him. "HEY!! OVER HERE, YOU BIG HALF-WIT!!" he taunted the titan.

The titan was paying no attention to him instead, just walking fastly and weirdly forward.

It's an abnormal...

"What's wrong?! It's not following me!!" he said continuing to ride on his horse looking towards the titan with black hair "Oh no... This one's... IT'S AN ABNORMAL!! GOING YOUR WAY!!".

You dragged your eyes to the titan heading towards your squad continuing to walk forward and avoiding anything in its habitat "No good! The column's too long!! The wagons are wide open!!" Flagon called out looking towards the large humanoid creature.

"FLAGON'S AND F/N's SQUAD!! CLOSE DISTANCE AND FIGHT TO THE DEATH!!" you heard the commander scream. "DON'T LET THE TITANS NEAR THE WAGONS!!" Flagon told us loudly continuing to move forward.

You noticed a bunch of soldiers begin to attack the titan all at once though it started swinging its arms causing the soldiers to fall as one got captured in its hands and was about to be eaten alive as more soldiers attempted to attack but the titan caught them again and bite of their bodies...

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