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You had gotten up early for an apparent meeting, according to multiple newspapers, citizens and the Garrison Regiment, Wall Maria had fallen to the titans and is now lost human territory.

You put on your uniform and headed out to Trost district looking at the faces of the poor refugees. There was still time before the meeting so you took a walk around town.

You laid against the wall hearing a voice of a garrison soldier speak "Why do we have to share our food with outsiders? If the titans were breaking through anyway, they should have eaten more, so there'd be fewer mouths."

What a bitch thing to say you looked over to the man noticing a kid kick his leg. You chuckled at his actions though the kid was beaten to the ground easily.

"You have no idea... YOU'VE NEVER EVEN SEEN IT! YOU'VE NEVER SEEN THE WAY THE EAT PEOPLE...!" the boy full of energy yelled out to the selfish man standing in front of him.

Soon later a young blonde boy came in apologizing for his friend's actions "I'm sorry! He's just upset because he's hungry. That's why he's being so rude to an adult. I'm r-really sorry!".

"Jeez... The only reason you aren't starving is because of us, got it? Even a kid should show gratitude!" he said walking away madly.

"Right!" the blonde boy responded.

You turn around walking to find a carriage to be able to take you to HQ again as you weren't bothered to walk all the way back.

Giving the man money you headed out the carriage and towards the large building making your way to the office. The meeting was planning to devise a plan to retake Wall Maria though it couldn't be done just yet.

That's why we were getting ready for it though we didn't have enough soldiers for a place swarming with titans.

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