Assault on Stohess

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You stood on a roof in Stohess several days earlier Armin revealed his hunches of the female titan's identity who was a cadet among the 104th Training Corps. Her name was Annie Leonhart, she had blonde hair tied in a bun, roman nose and bright blue eyes.

It's been minutes since Eren, Mikasa and Armin were sent to take the girl Annie, suddenly you saw a bright flash of lightning followed by a loud roar of thunder. Erwin had explained the plan beforehand.

Days before assualt on Stohess
You walked in with Eren's classmates and Erwin and headed to take a seat for Erwin to discuss the plan.

'While passing through Stohess we use Eren as bait to lure into the underground passage. Given the target's size and strength, if we can get her as far down as possible we should be able to immobilize her in her titan form." he explains

"But, in the event that she transforms before then it'll be up to you Eren".

"Yes, Sir! Are we certain the target will actually be in Stohess, then?" he asked.

"Yes. The target is a member of the Military Police." you answered as Erwin nodded his head.

"The Military Police?"

"It was Armin who identified her. We believe tagt she killed the two titans we caught alive... and that she might have trained with you in the 104th Cadet Corps." he informs looking at Eren.

"H-Hold on a minute! The 104th Cadet Corps-" Eren stumbles on his words.

"The name of the girl we believe to be the Female Titan..."

"Y-You can't be serious...". Eren interjected

"is Annie Leonhart" Erwin finishes his sentence leaving Eren in a state of shock.

"Annie's the female titan? What makes... What makes you think that, Armin?".

"The Female Titan knew what you looked like from the start. Plus, she reacted to your nickname of "suicidal maniac," something only our classmates would know".

"The biggest reason, though, is that I believe she killed the test subjects Sawney and Beane." Armin stared at the table shyly.

"How do you know that?" it seems as if Eren is still in disbelief...

"Killing them would've required real skill, so she would've used the ODM gear she'd become accustomed to" he replied.

"Yeah but they held that equipment inspection. Annies was fine."

"Because she presented Marco's gear. That's how she avoided being caught." Armin sighed

"Huh?! What are you saying?".

"Still not convince yet Eren, there's a lot of evidence to back it up" you looked over at him as he sweatdrops.

"I-It's just... What's Marco got to do with this?" he stutters "We're not sure." Armin replies.

"Maybe you just saw wrong?"

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