A Choice With No Regrets II

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You sat in the meeting area on the table sitting across from Commander Shadis "Frankly, it's a disgrace" squad leader Flagon argued slamming his fist against the table.

"We all had to go through the same training! Yet you're asking us to accept criminals into our ranks?!".

"Your complaint is only natural." you looked over to the commander as he spoke "Their presence could even put out lives in danger! What should I tell my subordinates?" Flagon responded.

You crossed your arms looking towards Erwin as he began to speak "Squad leader Flagon. You're right these people had no training. They did not earn wings from us. They grew their own, out of necessity"

"And I believe those wings will play a part in revolutionizing this organization".

"I agree with Erwin, their ODM skills are outstanding maybe if we let it settle out and see what they'd be able to do for us. We shouldn't be skeptical just because they're from the underground" you looked down at the table waiting for the meeting to be over.

Erwin nodded his head "You speak of revolution? I just pray that venturing outside the walls doesn't become the greatest of their crimes" Flagon uttered.



You stood in the field next to Hange looking at the stage and the new soldiers that stood there.

"ATTENTION!!!" the commander shouted loudly.

"I'm here to present three recruits who will be fighting alongside you. Now you three introduce yourselves." Shadis said loudly looking at the soldiers then back at the trio.

The black-haired man went first crossing his arms and not even doing a salute "Name's Levi" you looked over to him pretty disgusted and surprised from his bad introduction and attitude.

The red-haired girl went next "Isabel Magnolia. Nice to meet all o' ya!" she said enthusiastically, you liked her courage but her salute wasn't proper as she placed her hand on her hip instead of behind her back.

The last one was the blonde-haired man Furlan "I'm Furlan Church. Sir." he had a good attitude and seemed pretty respectful but his salute was upside down.

"They will be assigned to Flagon's squad. Take good care of them, Flagon!" Keith announced.

"Y-you're putting them on MY squad?" Flagon sweatdropped looking at the commander. "Is that a problem?" he responded.

"N-no! I just thought surely they'd be placed under squad leader Erwin..." the blonde man stuttered looking at Erwin.

"I will be assigning Erwin to support expedition command in maintaining the new formation outside the wall." Shadis further explained, "Because of that he will have no time to look after new soldiers. Understood?".

"Yes, sir! I understand, sir!" Flagon saluted staring at the ground slightly embarrassed.

"That's all! Now all squads, those who have anything to report-" Shadis continued talking as time passed by before training.



Flagon had asked for some of your helping training the new recruit, you didn't feel like it but went along anyway.

The man held his sword wrong facing the blade backward "You punk. What do you think you're doing, holding it like that?" Flagon clicked his tongue looking at Levi.

"They weren't designed to be held like that! You wanna die the second you step outside the walls?!".

"You might end up that way" you internally gasped at the man's attitude widening your eyes as you gripped your ODM handles tightly.

"What did you say?!" Flagon responded madly.

"All that matters is slicing through the back of the titan's neck, right? Let me do that, however, I want" you scoffed at the man's rebellious words as Flagon grumbled.

You began training going faster on your gear than the other cadets but... the thug... Levi... was going slightly faster than you??? Making his way to the first titan he sliced the cushion, the slice was perfect and deep.

You sliced hastily at the same depth and width as him catching up to him you noticed another artificial titan making your way to him going faster but a con was that you were using too much gas... You sliced deep and made it there before him. Chuckling to yourself you smiled, refusing to come second.

You heard a small talk behind you but carried on trying to find more fake titans.

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