Chapter 4 - Worlds Away

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A series of small concussive explosions rippled through air as the sound of blaster weapon fire lit up the surrounding area. Dozens of species could be seen running in a panic outside of the enemy vessel which had since landed on the forest floor. Some were running for cover while others were simply fleeing into what was for them the unfamiliar wilderness of Atophis.

The vessel—although not as large as the command ship—towered over the tree tops, casting a large shadow over the area. It's weathered tan body that was accented by lines of yellow and grey were a stark contrast to the forest surrounding it. Numerous crates of various sizes littered the grounds giving evidence of possibly a not so gentle landing.

The opposing force was unseen, at least for Zekiel and the others as they stood perched just on the edge of the battle's location. Whoever the enemy were, they appeared to be shooting at anything and everything that moved. Considering the number of bodies which now littered the forest floor, the accuracy of the enemy fire gave reason to believe they were vastly experienced.

As they all analyzed the area, it was Shayla who was suddenly drawn into a memory.

"This is the ship," she uttered. "This is the same ship that attacked my village all those years ago."

Turning towards Shayla, Zekiel could only sympathize with her as he was haunted by a similar memory.

"There," whispered Shayla as she slowly pointed, keen to not give away their position. "A large concentration of enemy fire appears to be coming from that small shuttle bay on the starboard side."

"It's well barricaded," admitted Chen who was looking on with sharp but eager eyes as he held his weapon at the ready. "We'll either have to draw them out somehow or take the fight directly to them."

"Why would they barricade themselves in?" asked Luusa.

"It doesn't matter," barked Zekiel. "They're part of the enemy force and we're gonna stop them. We're probably dealing with those Trandoshans so be ready. Is everyone armed?"

Taking a quick look around the small group, each member held a blaster weapon of some sort except for one.

Unsheathing a sword from the scabbard slung across her back, Shayla held the Maligi blade in both hands as she turned towards Zekiel.

"I prefer the more elegant approach," she uttered, flourishing the blade with an elaborate spin.

Zekiel could only roll his eyes. "Just try to not get yourself killed."

Turning towards the others, he continued.

"Alright. Chen, take Ahza and Siu and sneak around to the other side. Signal when you're in position. We'll attack from both fronts and divide their focus."

Turning towards the others, Zekiel added, "The rest of you are with me. Stay behind cover and don't fire until I give the order. Ansil, remember what I taught you: Fire on the exhale of your breath and don't jerk the trigger."

"Y...y...y...yes, sir," the young man stuttered.

Siu placed a heavy hand on the shoulder of his little brother. "Stay with Zekiel and keep your head down. I'll see you on the other side, little brother."

"All of you keep their heads down, pick your targets and advance when the other team is firing," replied Zekiel. "This is your first battle as freed Maligi. Show these bastards what you're made of. Go!"

At that, the two fire teams moved into more strategic positions in preparation for their attack.

For everyone, however, the wait for the second team to get into position was agonizing. Every few moments, a blaster shot followed by a sharp cry could be heard as the life of another recently freed individual was ended. Dying on a foreign world that was essentially worlds away from their own, the loss of each one was terrible to both hear and witness.

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