Chapter 23 - An Old Enemy

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When he'd first entered this place what felt like months ago now, it was done under the guise of fear and uncertainty. He had inadvertently stumbled upon this mysterious mountain village through a means he was still unsure about. His life was different then. At the time, he was tired, starved and ill-equipped for the trial that lay before him.

As he stepped out of the netherworld and onto the cold hard stone of the interior of the Triguilden mountains, Jolis now had a singular purpose on his mind.

The portal behind him closed up as the echoes from the tomb-like structure within the mountain screamed in silence.

Where his former steps were cautious and fearful, he now walked with a skillful confidence as he felt the Force both within and around him.

Brushing his hand across the old stone walls within the cold and dark chambers as he walked, Jolis' mind was once again given brief glimpses of what life was like here many years ago.

The young played in these very stone hallways as the old sat by the now dried up water fountain and mused their earlier years. Families were provided with a safe haven within this place away from the happenings of the outside world.

That is until the beast arrived.

The creature—known to the Nahassi people as the Terentatek—seemingly rose from the depths of darkness; an abhorrent monster given life by the mysterious power of the Force.

There was no time to contemplate such happenings, however. As Jolis picked up his pace through the stone hallways, the beast could suddenly be heard in the background.

Its roar echoed throughout the halls as Jolis felt its presence through the Force. The beast was undoubtedly able to feel his presence as well.

There was no fear in Jolis' heart, however. Not this time.

Stepping into the final hallway, Jolis gazed upon the artwork on the walls as he walked. Glancing at the final piece—an image of a figure wielding a strange weapon of light while standing before a monstrous beast—Jolis finally understood.

This was more than just his unfinished business.

Somewhere, a prophecy was about to be fulfilled.

Stepping into the unfinished hallway where Jolis had previously come face to face with the beast, he turned the corner...only to see the evil creature waiting for him.

Whereas before it crashed down in a thunderous rage and attacked Jolis on sight, the same creature now stood with an arrogant pride, seemingly boasting in its power over him.

A deep bellowing growl emanated from the beast as it locked its eyes on the small human before it.

The Terentatek stood motionless as it gazed upon Jolis. Slowly, it rose to its full height—nearly touching the top of the sizable cavern they were in with the crown of spikes on its head.

Even from afar, Jolis could see his father's old sword protruding from just behind the Terentatek's massive head.

Just then, Jolis once again felt the affects of the beast's influence over the Force. He felt the beast probing his memories for any and all weaknesses it could use against him. Thoughts of evil and of Jolis' past shortcomings echoed throughout his mind.

The cries from his past haunted his ears and sought to weaken his soul. This time, however, Jolis could nearly visualize the people from his past dying once again before his very eyes.

This mental attack was much more pronounced than it was during Jolis' first encounter with the Terentatek. The beast, Jolis suspected, was using his very own connection with the Force to strengthen and bolster its attack. It was almost as if it was using Jolis' very own life force against him.

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