Chapter 28 - The Return

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Screams filled the valley below him. Whether brought on by pain or power, the sounds of battle seemed to echo throughout the terrain as Jolis stepped out into the open.

From his vantage point, he was able to see the entire battlefield as well as the enemy's camp. The large ship hovered just above it, daunting and menacing. Numerous heavy weapons lined the camp as the remains of others could be seen even from afar.

Jolis took note of the number of Trandoshans engaged in the battle in the open field. Looking deeper, he saw the enemy's second wave preparing their charge as well. Hundreds more were about to descend on what was left of the survivors to undoubtedly finish them off when a loud horn sounded throughout the valley.

At once, he felt the eyes of the enemy—their hatred and bloodlust—becoming fixated upon him.

Jolis waited.

What had began as a massacre which heavily favored the enemy had suddenly turned into a retreat as the Trandoshan warriors began to pull back en masse towards their camp.

Jolis then saw the nearly one dozen heavy turrets on the ship all shift away from the battle with the survivors and turn directly towards him. What's more was that the heavy weapons in the camp were also being aimed at him.

As the Trandoshans reached their camp, they did so under the safety of the overhead ship. Taking firing positions, Jolis sensed several hundred of them as their eyes and weapons became locked upon him.

Still, Jolis waited.

Breathing in deeply, Jolis called upon the power of the Force as he felt it rising up from the very ground beneath his feet. It coursed through his body as the natural power around him caused his muscles to twitch.

With his eyes, Jolis saw the enemy before him. They longed for blood and vengeance but upon looking deeper, Jolis could now sense their fear.

Through the Force, Jolis could then see what was about to happen a mere moment before it did.

All at once, the enemy opened fire on Jolis' position. The heavy cannons from the ship repeatedly fired as the large weapons in the camp all unleashed their payload as well. The hundreds of Trandoshans all opened fire as automatic weapon fire exploded all around him.

Jolis remained calm within the storm, maintaining his balance of the Force as the very ground around him seemed to be erupting. The laser blasts from the weapon fire absorbed into a layer of pure energy brought on by the Force which separated Jolis from instant death. Still, the weapon fire continued as Jolis used the power at his command to absorb as much of the energy as possible.

The raw power around him began to spark and crackle as Jolis began to feel the Force burning through his body.

It began as a growl as Jolis held his ground before the onslaught of weapon fire. The energy shield before him grew in size at it continued to absorb the laser fire.

The growl turned into a shout as Jolis could feel himself reaching the limits of his ability. The ground around him continued to explode as the shots which would've connected with Jolis continued to be absorbed by the energy field before him.

The growl turned into a scream as Jolis could feel his very skin becoming electric. He was near his limits. He wouldn't be able to absorb much more when all of the sudden—as if an answered prayer—the enemy ceased fire.

Even as he continued to hold onto the large whirling mass of energy before him, Jolis let a smile slip onto his face as the smoke around him began to clear. With a scream and a heavy push of his own, Jolis then unleashed the energy he'd held onto and sent it forward...directly towards the enemy.

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