Chapter 19 - Dominion

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Where are you?

I'm in position. Things didn't go perfectly to plan but everything is ready for your arrival.

Are you sure? Once we begin, we're committed. There's no room for misjudgment here.

Yes, they are weak and fragmented. You will have no trouble dealing with them.

And the one we seek?

He will come.

Very well. We will begin the attack soon.

* * *

A sliver of light from a half-covered window streaked across the otherwise dark room. The only other illumination—a small candle resting upon a metal desk—danced across the nearby wall with shifting hues of yellow and orange.

It was quiet in the small room as the lone figure sat in silence with her thoughts. A blank tablet lay on the desk before her as she stared at it, seemingly unsure of where to begin. Hundreds of different thoughts raced through her mind, each one a unique story worthy of remembrance.

As the single candle danced in the reflection of her blue eyes, Shayla quieted her mind as she tried to gather her thoughts and memories.

Where does this story begin? Where does it end?

Will it ever end?

So many questions and not enough answers. The more she thought about everything that had transpired since that fateful day of the invasion, the more Shayla's head began to spin.

But there was something else now. Something deeper.

The sound of the door sliding open behind her seemed to pull her from her thoughts.


She knew that voice. She didn't even need to turn around.

Smiling, she replied, "Hey Vess."

The short and somewhat corpulent creature stepped into the room and folded his top set of arms in front of him, placing his bottom set on his hips.

"It looks like you took my advice and starting writing," said Vess.

Shayla huffed from her nose.

"Took your advice? Yes. Started writing? No," she replied. "I have no idea where to begin."

"I would say at the beginning but I think that's stating the obvious," Vess chuckled. "Let me ask you this: what are you wanting to write?"

"Our story," Shayla immediately replied. "Everything that's happened here, just so it's not forgotten."

Falling back into her seat, she continued.

"I'll admit, Vess. I'm not the best person for this job. Spending 10 years enslaved within my own mind caused me to miss a few things."

A rough scratching sound could be heard from behind Shayla and she knew the Latero was doing what he always did when he was in deep thought.

"I think things will become more clear soon, for better or worse," commented Vess, rubbing his chin as he did. "You'll know where to begin. Which reminds me, I did have a reason for coming up here to see you."

Turning around, Shayla smiled.

"Not just to see my sunny disposition?"

"Well of course," joked Vess. "But I was asked to inform you that the others have gathered outside the ships. There's some news you should hear."

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