Chapter 30 - Deceiver

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"You fools."

Slowly, the hooded figure of Seth stepped forward. Each remaining survivor as well as HK-1 had their weapons fixed on him as he walked. His strides were cautious but confident, born of a man who appeared to be in control.

Behind Seth, the numerous individuals stood still. Their faces had an emotionless expression upon them as they stared blankly and blindly ahead.

It was a look that every one of the survivors had seen before.

It was the mark of the Xirus device, and the ones behind Seth seemed to be back under its control.

Just behind the formation, a small shuttle rested on the ground with its long wings folded upwards.

"You fools who were so easily swayed into battle," Seth cried out towards the survivors. "You who were so eager to charge into a war you were destined to lose. You are just like the ones behind me; controlled slaves. Made to be inferior and to crawl before the might of others."

Taking another step forward, Zekiel had his dual blasters pointed at the lone human.


"My name is NOT Seth!

"My Decius. Born from the lineage of Tyreth, I am now a commander in the great Selvarian Empire. My life has been in service to the advancement of our kingdom and to our Lords. And now, I was sent here to find the one whom the Lords have fixed their eyes on from afar."

Stepping forward, Decius walked slowly once more as he turned his attention towards the one wielding twin sabers made of light.

"Jolis Opachi," Decius slowly proclaimed. "I have been looking for you for some time. I knew you would be difficult to find but I didn't think you would be so easily swayed into coming out of hiding. You seem so eager to use your newfound power. The Lords of Selvaria have scorched the stars waiting for you, the Prime Being, to emerge.

"And here you are," Decius continued, chuckling under his words. "I had high hopes for our meeting but now I see that you're nothing more than a villager on a nowhere backwater planet. You'll forgive me if I'm not as impressed as the Lords are. Perhaps your power will prove to be more useful."

Jolis grinned as he tightened his grip on the two lightsabers.

"How about I show you this power and send what's left of you back to your Masters as an example."

Decius laughed at the display.

"I'm sure they would find it quite amusing but they have a far better plan in place."

Extending his hand, Decius pointed directly at Jolis.

"You, Jolis Opachi, will come with me to Selvaria."

It was Jolis who laughed this time as he locked eyes with Decius.

"I may be from a backwater planet, but I know a snake when I see one. I'm not going anywhere."

Decius—holding a sinister grin—replied coldly.

"Well, that is most unfortunate."

At once, one of the individuals in the formation behind Decius suddenly dropped dead; the Xirus device seemingly programmed to kill its host upon command.

"You see, Jolis? That is the price of disobedience! These people behind me were all too eager to please their true rulers that they willingly gave themselves over. Now they will perish for the sins you bestow upon your people."

"You tricked them all into following you!" Shayla exclaimed. "You're human! You're one of us but I knew something was off about you from the first time I saw you. You're nothing more than a disloyal traitor to your own kind!"

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