Chapter 25 - March of the Atophi

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Zekiel paced back and forth in his private room onboard the Liberator. Just as he had been doing all night, his steps were in a quiet but calculated rage as he prepared his mind for the coming battle.

All of the lives he'd taken in the past, nearly every single one of them had been while he was either a slave to the Destroyers or while he was free and fighting others who were slaves themselves.

Now that the Trandoshans were here, however, he knew he'd be fighting an uphill battle against creatures of immense strength. Even so, they too were but pawns in the greater struggle.

They weren't even the real enemy. From his time as a captive, he knew the Trandoshans were nothing more than just glorified mercenaries paid to do the dirty work of the rulers on Selvaria.

With that mindset, doubt began to set in within his mind.

Does this fight even matter? Even if we win against the Trandoshans, will it even make a difference?

These thoughts were on the verge of tearing his mind in two when a soft knock came from the door to his room.

Freezing in his tracks for a moment, Zekiel half-hoped whoever it was would go away as he wasn't in the mood to talk right now.

Moments later, the knock on the door came again.

With a heavy sigh, he expected to open the door to find Vess complaining that someone had stolen his food again or perhaps Hepka informing him of a new species of bug he'd discovered under his bunk.

Opening the door a crack, the smiling face of Dr. Kyriss waited on the other side.

"I hope I didn't wake you," she said.

Zekiel smiled for the first time in what felt like days as he opened the door a bit more.

"No, actually. I've been awake all night. C'mon in."

As Kyriss stepped in, she came to a stop in the center of the room as Zekiel leaned up against the door.

"I just wanted to tell you in private that—and I hope you don't take offense to this—you haven't been yourself lately."

"Oh?" replied Zekiel, raising his eyebrows in response.

"Ever since word of the enemy's return, the usual upbeat Zekiel who's ready to charge off into the unknown has been gone."

"If I'm honest," huffed Zekiel, "I just don't see what there is to be upbeat about anymore."

"Look, Zekiel," said Kyriss. "I worked on those Xirus devices nearly all my adult life. You and I both know what it is to be controlled by something. When I look at you now, I can't help but think that there's something else that's controlling you now."

The two locked eyes for a moment. Unsure of how to proceed, Kyriss continued.

"Don't lose yourself, Zekiel. Don't let these monsters change you more than they already have. If that happens, they've already won without so much as firing a shot."

The Zabrak lowered and slowly shook his head.

"We can't beat them with hugs and well wishes, Kyriss."

"No, but...look maybe I'm not making any sense. I just wanted to say...don't lose who you are. You're the one who got us here. about you. You've always had our backs just as we'll always have yours."

It was a kind gesture and one that Zekiel was sure took a fair amount of courage for her to say directly to him.

Smiling, Zekiel replied, "Thank you, Kyriss. Have I ever mentioned to you that green is my favorite color?"

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