Chapter 5 - The Gathering Storm

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Although the group was mostly confident that the vessel was clear of enemies, they all cautiously proceeded into the unknown warship with their weapons at the ready. It seemed to be powered down as the few nearby windows were the only sources of illumination in the otherwise darkened enemy vessel.

"What planet do your people come from?" asked Chen.

"I am from the planet known as Shili," replied Hepka as he led Zekiel and the others deeper into the vessel. "My people are known as Togrutas. Like all of you, I along with many of my kin were taken many long years ago."

As they walked, Hepka indicated towards Zekiel.

"You are different than the others here. Both in appearance and in the lack of a control device."

"I'm a Zabrak from the planet Iridonia. My device was removed after I was captured by a group of village...people."

Hepka only nodded as they proceeded.

Coming up on what appeared to be a large hangar, Hepka and the others had to manually pry the large door open before they stopped and gazed inward.

"This is where they kept several squadrons of snub fighters," uttered Hepka, indicating towards two such ships still parked in the corner. "They are fast, very maneuverable but weak. They were designed to attack en masse to compound their numbers. I can recall several of them departing just as we returned to consciousness."

"Yeah," replied Zekiel. "Pretty sure they became snacks for the local dragon population."

"What's that ship further back?" asked Luusa, indicating towards a dark green vessel with wings which were folded upward. "The larger one in the corner."

"I believe it belongs to the leader of the Trandoshans," replied Hepka. "What became of him, I do not know."

"I might be able to provide some closure on that," commented Shayla, still cleaning the green blood off of her face and hands with a small cloth.

Hepka regarded Shayla and continued, "That ship is fitted with a strange device that allows it to travel between planets and star systems in an expedited fashion. I believe the Trandoshan leader made frequent trips back to Selvaria during this expedition, as they call it."

"How is that possible?" asked Zekiel. "I seem to remember it takes years between trips."

"If my memory serves me correctly, I believe it was referred to as a Quantum Drive. The technological innovations made by the scientists and engineers on Selvaria are unrivaled and unmatched," uttered Hepka. "The Xirus devices we wear allow thoughts and processes to be shared between numerous beings. It is like a hive mind of sorts. Together, they have been able to design and construct several innovations that would seem unimaginable to some."

Taking a few steps further into the hangar, Zekiel looked around and began to gather his thoughts, "My guess is this entire ship served as a support vessel. That would leave..."

"...the supply, data and command ships," answered Hepka. "Where they are now, I do not know."

"Another ship landed on the surface after the command ship was destroyed," said Ahza. "How would we know if it's the supply or data ship?"

"Let us head further inward," replied Hepka. "I'm confident we will discover the answers we seek."

Continuing on, the group exited the hangar and proceeded further into the ship.

"So what did you do here on the ship, Hepka?" asked Zekiel as they walked.

"I was in charge of communications," said Hepka. "Together with a small team, we oversaw all messages between the ships of the fleet as well as those received and sent to Selvaria."

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