Chapter 7 - The Blade's Edge

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As the large vessel landed with a heavy thud upon the surface of Atophis, the heavier-than-expected impact caused the numerous occupants whom had reluctantly come back onboard to jump with surprise.

Now on the ground again, the whine of the engines powering down filled the air outside as the large ship stood tall just beside its nearly identical counterpart on the ground next to it.

Up front in the bridge of the Liberator, Hepka was on the radio speaking with an occupant from the other ship.

"Selvarian ship Retaliator, this is the Liberator. We've landed alongside and will meet you soon."

"Message received," replied an unfamiliar voice. "Opening exterior doors now."

Leaning over to Shayla, Zekiel uttered, "We've gotta give these things new names."

Shayla rolled her eyes at the comment.

"Has the Retaliator or whatever they call it been cleared of Trandoshans?" asked Ahza.

"Yes," replied Hepka. "The one I've been speaking to said they were originally getting slaughtered after they were freed but they were somehow able to turn the tide and defeat them."

"That seems odd," said Chen who was standing by the large viewport on the right side of the bridge. "How did they manage to do that?"

"One of the freed individuals is apparently a capable warrior," replied Hepka. "Or so they said. He supposedly rallied the survivors and mounted a successful counter offensive which defeated the Trandoshans."

"Or maybe with this heavy landing, we squashed the last Trandoshan who was trying to flee," Zekiel criticized.


An irate voice spoke up as the small figure in the pilot's seat turned to face the group of individuals behind it.

"These things are made for flying and staying in orbit. Not for landing!"

The short creature waved three of its four short arms in the air for effect as the remaining arm reached up and swiped back a thin layer of gray hair on top of its head. One of its two ears which protruded horizontally from the top of its head twitched in response.

"Unless you think you can do it better—which I very much doubt—keep your vocalization hole shut!"

For a moment, everyone was silent and stood still as the small pilot figure slowly rotated its seat to face the front of the ship once again.

Zekiel—throwing his hands up in a dramatic and more than slightly sarcastic fashion—offered an inappropriate hand gesture in the pilot's general direction.

"I can see your reflection in the windscreen you know!" the pilot shouted.

"Whatever," growled Zekiel. "Let's get going to the supply ship. The Retaliator," he said mockingly. "What a stupid name for a supply ship!"

As all of the occupants on the bridge turned to leave, Shayla stayed behind with the pilot. After a moment, it was quiet in the bridge as the pilot began going through a series of processes.

"Do you mind if I ask what the name of your species is?" asked Shayla.

Without turning around, the pilot responded.

"I'm a Latero from the planet Lateron. Original, I know. Nothing like being a...well, whatever you are from...well, wherever we are now. Assuming you're actually from here, of course."

Shayla stepped closer in response.

"I'm a human and Atophis is what this planet is called. This is where I'm from."

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