Chapter 13 - In the Dark, Never Alone

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Progressing deeper into the mountain, each step was proving to be a challenge across the uneven and oftentimes jagged terrain. The lack of illumination wasn't a concern, however, even for Jolis' guide as they ventured further into the darkness of the mountain.

Having departed from the Nahassi people nearly a day ago to begin their journey towards the Sun'ari, the journey was only supposed to last half a local rotation. Having a nearly blind person who needed to be led along the challenging path, however, had slowed things down considerably.

As Jolis walked, he continually tried his best to see his surroundings through the Force. After numerous attempts, however, Jolis felt the ability was beyond his scope. Even so, the lights emanating from the man next to him—albeit smaller lights than those of the Elder—continually danced around the corner of his eye as he led Jolis by his elbow.

"The others who were in the room with us before we departed," inquired Jolis as he was led along, "they all had numerous lights around them. Lights from what I'm assuming were the kaiburr crystals of this mountain."

"That is correct," the older man next to him uttered. "Many in that room have spent their entire lives searching for them. It is not so much a mark of seniority within the Nahassi but more of a sign of ones willingness to connect to the Great Light."

"I cannot see you," said Jolis, "but judging by the tone of your voice I'm assuming you're a bit older than the others."

A noticeable huff came from the one accompanying Jolis.

"You're wanting to know why I don't have as many of these crystals as the others," the other man pondered. "It is because I have not been here as long as them."

Confused, Jolis inquired further as they now walked through a long tunnel deep within the mountain.

"What do you mean? Were you not born here like the others?"

"No," the man replied. "Unlike the majority of those who dwell in this place, I was not born a Nahassi. They took me in after the initial attack."

"So if you're not a Nahassi," Jolis wondered, "you must be from another tribe then. Which one were you..."

Jolis' sentence was suddenly cut off as he felt a deep and heavy presence within the Force. Stopping in place, Jolis nearly lost his balance due to the power he felt radiating nearby. Pressing in further with the Force, Jolis was close enough now that he could nearly see a light through the rocks.

"The Sun'ari," said the older man. "You can feel it. We're not far. It's just a bit further up this pass. Then we arrive at the abyss."

"The abyss?" echoed Jolis.

A slight chuckle could be heard from the older man.


The next several minutes were spent climbing and then descending through several rock faces. Having to take specific instructions from his guide, Jolis' progress was slow but he was nonetheless determined to reach the Sun'ari.

It called to him like a beacon. The closer he got, the more light he was able to see even through the meters of rock which separated him from it.

It was summoning him. As moments passed, Jolis could hear it begin to speak to him.


Feeling his heart beginning to beat faster, there was an eagerness to Jolis' steps now. Mystery surrounded the Sun'ari as Jolis was still unsure of its true purpose. But even so, Jolis felt that the Force had led him here.

Indeed, Jolis had felt that every event throughout his entire life had led him to this very moment.

After several more slow steps, Jolis felt the ground beneath him level out. No longer uneven and jagged, the rocky surface beneath him was smooth.

Peering out ahead of him through the Force, Jolis laid his eyes upon the Sun'ari for the first time.

Light and power radiated around it even as it was surrounded by apparent darkness. It seemed suspended midair across a void of emptiness. Various colors of light orbited the crystal which seemed to be the eye of the storm.


Amidst the audible whirling of power and energy, the Sun'ari continued to call to him. Fixing his eyes upon it, Jolis felt a burning sensation within him. It was so intense that Jolis was unable to hold his gaze upon for long.

Although small in size, the Sun'ari emanated power and seemed to amplify the power of the Force.

As he stood for a moment and simply took in the wonder of its beauty, the man who'd accompanied Jolis spoke up.

"I've led you as far as I can go," uttered Jolis' guide. "The rest is up to you."

" do I get to it? Can you direct me towards the path?"

"There is no path, Jolis. The Sun'ari lies at the center of a great abyss," said the older man. "It rests atop a singular narrow peak surrounded by what I can only assume is a bottomless pit. If there is indeed a bottom, however, it's safe to assume that you would find the bodies of numerous others down there who've tried to claim the Sun'ari as their own."

"So there is no way?" asked Jolis.

"If there was, others would have claimed it by now. It is up to the Nahai'i to find the way. I, unfortunately, can no longer assist you."


There it was again.

A calling.

A beckoning.

A longing.

The Sun'ari radiated with the power of the Force. Now, as he stood within the very heart of the mountain, Jolis began to reach out in an effort to sense a hidden path.

Whether it be a cliff or a narrow ledge he could take to reach it, Jolis pressed in to try to see it.

Tried as he may, however, the path remained hidden to him.

Going for a different approach, Jolis extended his hand towards the Sun'ari and reached out with the Force. He was met with a barrier of raw energy separating his attempt to pull the crystal towards him. Just then, Jolis felt the effects of his Force attempt slam back towards him which knocked him backwards and onto the ground.

Rising to his feet, frustration set in.

Jolis then felt a familiar presence around him.

Meditate on me, Jolis. We who are eternal will guide you.

The words of the Master resonated in his mind. Thinking back upon his training, Jolis recalled the words spoken to him as he was about to re-enter the world of Atophis.

Although your trials are complete, ones training is never truly finished. There is still much for you to learn about the Force...

Meditate on me.

With these words on his mind, Jolis sat down upon the smooth rock beneath him. Crossing his legs, Jolis began to breath deeply as he pressed in. The connection he felt around him seemed to grow with each passing second. His consciousness seemed to fill the chamber he was in within the mountain, then it filled the mountain itself. Eventually, Jolis could sense the life and heartbeat of Atophis itself.

He listened as the whirling power of the Sun'ari in the background filled his mind. He heard the gravel crunching under the feet of the one who'd accompanied him on this journey as he paced in the background. Slowly exhaling, Jolis let his mind and body relax as he let go of reality...

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