Chapter 14 - Trial of Death

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The light from billions of stars surrounded him from all sides. Setting his gaze upwards, Jolis was able to make out various nebula, constellations and even other distant galaxies seemingly separated by eons of time.

Turning around, the light from a nearby star caused him to cover his eyes due to its brightness. As Jolis looked down, however, he noticed that he was unable to see his physical body. It was almost as if his consciousness or perhaps his spirit had been taken up into the heights of the stars, leaving his body behind in the depths of the mountain.

A lone voice then filled the vast emptiness of space around him.

"Through the Force, the distant stars, the host of galaxies which make up this universe are all connected. Life is not separated by space and time when they are held together by the infinite power of the Force. We are one and there is only one Force."

The Master's voice echoed out towards the stars and reverberated back to Jolis.

"Through the Force, dreams and visions are interpreted, the various paths of life are made straight, the young are learners and the old are mighty."

Just then, the light from the stars around him began to stretch as if he was moving at a great speed through space as all suddenly became white.

This was followed by an absolute silence save for the voice of the Master.

"You have followed the path we have set before you, young Jolis. Now, you must continue to follow it into your next trial."

Confused, Jolis asked, "How? How can I follow a path I cannot see?"

Jolis noticed that like the Master, his voice too seemed to echo out towards the stars.

"You must be willing to fully trust in the Force, Jolis. If you are willing, we will guide you."

"I am willing, Master."

"Remember your training, young one," echoed the Master. "Even though you now dwell in the ethereal realm, you must never forget the lessons you learned. To truly wield the Force, you must let go of the past and all bonds which tie you to this world. The will of the Force is often above ones comprehension, even for luminous beings such as yourself. Even so, you must trust me. We who are eternal will guide you. Do you trust the Force, Jolis? Are you willing to follow me through what lies ahead?"

"Yes, Master," replied Jolis. "I am willing."

"Then you must follow me and we will be your ally. The path ahead is straight but narrow. You must not stray left or right. Such is the will of the Force."

At once, the pure white light around him slowly began to fade as a familiar terrain swept into view.

The trees were lush and green as a cool air danced across the surface of his skin. The various birds could be heard singing in the background as the familiar sights and sounds of his home—the Opachi village—caused a smile to be drawn onto his face.

At once, Jolis' heart began to shine as his eyes seemed to be functioning normally.

He smiled and began to weep at not only the familiar sights, but the fact that he could even see them at all.

A deep voice came from all around him.


Just then, an alarming number explosions ripped through the surrounding landscape. The mountains in the distance and the trees of the forest seemed to erupt in flames as the buildings of his village collapsed into ruin.

The Master appeared before Jolis. He stood calmly in the center of the road amidst the chaos around him with his eyes fixed on Jolis.

Screams suddenly filled the air as hundreds of people—Jolis' fellow Opachi villagers—poured from their homes and out into the streets. As they did, many were killed by the accurate weapon fire from an enemy force which swept down on small shuttles from above.

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