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with every thought I own,
it's always you.
your body,
I so deeply want to touch me.
I want to be touched by your limbs,
by your lips,
placing kisses upon my skin over and over,
leaving a wide, loved, smile upon my lips.
by your hands,
soothing my jaw,
as your eyes admire my own.
by your body,
while we sleep next to one another,
not one limb or part separate,
from the other person.
I constantly crave your touch,
your body,
your voice.
I can't stop craving you.
everything about you I love.
everything about you I crave.
and maybe,
just maybe,
your wishing to be touching me as well.
to kiss my lips,
to soothe my jaw,
to be sleeping beside me,
grasping my body.
just maybe,
you are craving me like I so crave you.
I crave everything about you,
and I do so wish,
more than anything I could ever wish,
for you to crave me as well...
to crave every part of me as well.

my lover poetsWhere stories live. Discover now