•eight• Dark clouds and Death?

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the next morning, I woke up to the sound of waves again. I walked out of my room and into the living room. My dad was making pancakes and my mom was braiding my little sister's hair at the couch.
"I'm going out." I said.
"Don't you want some pancakes?" asked my dad.
"Later." I said. I needed to do something important.
I walked out of my house and walked along the beach for a while. It was relaxing.
When I came across Olivia's house, I went inside. Her mom told me she was up in her room.
I knocked on the door, even though it was already open.
"Come in." said Olivia. She had her phone in her hand and she kept glancing down at it and smiling.
"Who are you texting?" I asked.
"The guy I told you about." she said. "Not a big deal."
"Oh ok. We should probly go find Peyton and tell her what happened last night. She might be confused." I said.
"Let me change first. I'm still in my pajamas." said Olivia.
We walked down the beach and went into Peyton's house.
When we got to her room, she was laying on her bed. Her hair was a huge mess and she was still in her clothes from last night. Her mascara that used to be crisp and orderly on her lashes now was smeared on her cheeks.
"I think I was a little, what's the word, erm," said Peyton. She was still slurring her words. "Drunk?"
"You think?" said Olivia.
"Yeah let's get you cleaned up. You'll feel better." I said.
It took both myself and Olivia to lift Peyton and get her off her bed.
She stood there for a second.
"Can," she said and smiled. She was probly daydreaming of daisies and rainbows. "Can um, can I lay back down?" she asked.
"Oh Peyton." I said and sighed. She was a mess.
"It's no use. Let's just let her be like this for the day." said Olivia.
"Yeah." I agreed and we left her house.
We walked along the beach and then I asked to be alone for a while.
The first place that I went was the ice cream stand. That place always made me feel better.
"Can I have um," I scanned over the colorful flavors. "Cotton candy?" I asked.
"Yeah, what size?" asked the lady working the stand.
"Small." I said. I payed the lady and she gave me my ice cream. It didn't taste as good as it did last year, or the year before. I guess things were changing. Certain things weren't as fun, foods weren't as good, friends weren't as friendly, and the waves, well they were the same.
I sat on the line where the water just barely reaches the sand. Cole was all that was in my mind, but I tried to think of other things. I was alone, on a calm beach, with dark clouds over head. There was nothing to think about besides him.
I watched as the waves crashed and came up on the sand, pushing harder and harder out into land until they gave out, and fall back into the sea. A little crab came up from the sand and walked towards me.
I looked at it. They always freaked me out a little, they look like spiders.
"Go away." I said.
But then another crab came up. I remembered that when the crabs come up from the sand, a storm is coming.
"Oh no. I need to get home." I said to myself. I felt raindrops start to hit my face and then the wind kicked in. It was so dark and I could see no blue in the sky. Soon, the clouds began to circle. The waves got huge, and the rain poured. At this point, I was running home.
Sea shells and sand were being picked up by the wind and they were hitting me all over my body.
"Ouch!" I squealed.
I was starting to get scared. Anxiety. Panic. Oh no.
Breathe Kendall Breathe.
I tried to take a deep breathe but my chest became tight and I was taking short shaky breathes.
I was no where near home, and I could see because if I opened my eyes, sand would blow into them.
I sat down, covered my head, and cried.
Fuck. I said to myself gasping for non-sandy air.
God help me please! I said.
I felt the water rise to where I was standing and I moved back. Soon, I couldn't see but I could feel giant waves crashing into me. I didn't know where I was going, I couldn't see, I could barely breathe, I was about to drown.
I heard a huge wave about to crash and then heard a voice, Cole's voice.
He was screaming my name but it was very faint.
"Cole?" I said. I tried to open my eyes to see him but wind threw sand right into my face.
"Cole!" I yelled this time. "Fuck! Cole!" I screamed.
The giant wave crashed and I felt salt water fill my nose. Suddenly all was quiet. I heard bubbles and water moving. My ears popped and I knew I was under the wave. How deep was I?
I knew I was going to drown.
I thought of my mom, my dad, my sister. I thought of the pancakes this morning, and how I should've stayed and spent time with them.
I thought of how I never told Cole I loved him.
I thought until I couldn't think anymore and my lungs couldn't hold anymore. They forced me to take a deep breathe, but there was no air. Water filled my lungs and the salt burned.
I screamed and more water, this time through my nose. My brain was telling my lungs to get air, but there was none, and then I saw nothing but black.
I wanna give a little shoutout to ma bæs stephony9 niallisaqt annaxfab maddiexm
ALSO FOLLOW ME ON INSTA- sophia.clemmer

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