•three• For Sale

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Olivia and I left her house and then walked along the beach on our way to Peyton's house. As we walked, I stopped and saw a for sale sign on a house near Peyton's.
"Who's moving in?" I asked Olivia.
"No idea." she said.
"We can ask Peyton when we get to her house."
I don't even remember who used to live in that beach house. But I hope whoever moves in is nice, or at least decent.
Olivia and I walked a little more, talking about the school year when we had been apart.
"We're here!" she said.
"Have you seen Peyton since you got here yesterday?" I asked.
"Nope. Have you?" she replied.
"No. Pretty much as soon as I got home all I did was unpack then go to sleep."
We walked up a wooded staircase to get to her front door; some beach houses here were built that way.
"You ring the door bell." she said, and I did.
Her mom came to the door.
"Hello girls! I haven't seen you all in a year! Oh, you've gotten so much taller!" said Peyton's mom.
Olivia and I giggled and agreed.
"We were wondering if Peyton was here?" we asked.
"Oh! Yes! I'll go get her." said her mom.
She closed the door and disappeared back into her home. A minute later, the door opened again. It was Peyton!
"Hello? GUYS!!" she squealed. "I've missed you all so much!" she gave each of us a hug.
"Put on your swim suit and meet us down here" Olivia pointed at the beach in front of her house. "We need to catch up on so much!"
"K! I'll be down in a sec!" said Peyton.
About five minutes later, Peyton walked down the wooden staircase and met us on the beach.
We talked about our school years and our plans for this summer.
"So, do you know who's moving in to that house for sale?" I asked.
"Yeah. It's a family with a boy our age. He's pretty cute, I met him." said Peyton.
"Oooh tell us everything!" said Olivia.
Peyton told us about how they walked along the beach together until he had to go, and how he made eye contact with her for a long time.
Olivia and Peyton were both much prettier than me, and they had better bodies. So they were always getting guys.
I guess I was almost jealous.

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