•ten• Cole's P.O.V.

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when I woke up, I heard a movie playing and strong wind blowing.
"Wha, what's going on?" I asked.
"You slept for about five hours. I was going to watch some tv but there's no signal because of the rain. So I turned on a movie. Wanna watch with me." asked Mr. Jeremy.
"I don't really have a choice it's not like I can go anywhere." I said
"True." he said.
I sat up on the couch and looked at the TV screen. Star Trek was playing.
I pretended to watch but I was only thinking about Kendall. I felt like it was my fault. I could've saved her. I could've saved her. I started to cry. No not now. Not now.
I sat in grief and cried for the whole movie and when it was over, Mr. Jeremy cooked us dinner.
I still hadn't moved off of the couch since I came in from the storm.
"It's surprising that we still have power." said Mr. Jeremy as he cooked pasta in a pot over the stove. "We better use it while we got it" he said and chuckled.
"Uh, yeah." I said and faked a little smile. I stood up for the first time since I came in and walked away from the couch into the kitchen.
"Ah, so you stood up." he said.
"Yeah, what can I do to help?" I asked. I didn't really feel like helping but I needed to do something to take my mind off things.
"You can set the table." he said and handed me some napkins and silverware.
"Ok." I said. His table was small. There were two seats and I set them both with forks, knives, plates, and napkins.
I sat down in my chair and he walked over with the pot of spaghetti.
"I'm not the best cook, so sorry if this is a little gross." he said.
"It's ok. So do you just live here alone?" I asked as Mr. Jeremy scooped a clump of spaghetti on my plate. Then he put some on his plate and picked up his fork. Before he took a bite, he said, "I do now."
"What do you mean you do for now?" I asked him.
"I used to live with my wife." he said.
"Oh why not now?" I asked poking my fork around at my food. I didn't feel like eating right now.
"My um," Mr. Jeremy set down his fork and it made a clink noise. "My wife and son died in a car accident about six years ago. I don't really have any family." he said.
"Oh, I'm so sorry." I said sympathetically. "That sounds terrible."
"Yeah." he replied. He looked like he was about to cry and then he asked to be excused to go to the bathroom.
This was the first time that I've seen him not smiling since I got here.
While he was in the bathroom, I decided to try his spaghetti. It looked absolutely disgusting.
I poked my fork around and then took a bite. It was as gross as it looked.
I wasn't that hungry anyways, so I just sat and waited for Mr. Jeremy to come back.
Suddenly, a loud gust of
wind blew into the house and the power went out. By now, it was night so it was pitch black.
"Mr. Jeremy!" I yelled.
"Coming son! I mean, Cole!" he said.
He ran into the kitchen and found a flashlight and some candles.
"Oh well this is great." he said.
"What are we going to do?" I asked.
"We'll wait until it comes back on. It'll probably be about a week." he said, "Well, it looks like we'll be playing some board games and eating raw foods."
"Yeah, I guess." I said.
He walked over to a closet and pulled out a few board games off the top shelf.
we played cards and monopoly for about an hour and he finished the spaghetti that he put on his plate.
He then went into the kitchen, lit a few more candles, and then started washing some dishes.

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