The Baby Mama

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Incoming phone call from Maximo

hello what the fuck happened at school?

the FBI found out who killed Amy

I'm so sorry Princess how is Jacob I heard he got arrested

yes he did he broke his jaw and nose they're charging him with assault unless I can bail him out

how much is bail?


I'll be there with the money

Thank you I'll figure out a way to pay it back

Don't even worry about that I'll see you soon

*call ended*

"Maximo is bailing you out" I said to Jacob with a smile "he didn't have to do that" he said through the cell "you do not deserve to rot in here for beating a murderer Jake" I held his hand through the cell "I don't regret it what is going to happen to That bastard anyways" he said with the same sad look " I don't know yet they're still not telling us anything more" I said lowering my head "I really wanted to kill him Farah" he said looking at me "don't we all" I looked back at him "Mr Ellery you have been bailed out" the officer said opening the cell "thank fuck for Maximo" he sighed "come on let's get you home" I hugged him.

"hey guys" Maximo said hugging us both "thank you so much Maximo" Jacob said smiling "it's no problem you shouldn't of even been charged" Maximo rolled his eyes "my point exactly" I said agreeing "come on I'll drive you guys home" Maximo replied "Okay" we all got into the car and drove home "bye guys talk later" Jacob got out the car and waved "stay safe Jake love you" I waved back "love you too" he walked in the house and Maximo drove off "I also heard you're not allowed back in school for punching Liam Daniels" Maximo looked at me "why don't you focus on the road" I laughed "proud of you" he smiled "thank you" I kissed him we pulled up to my house "try and get some good sleep today has been stressful for you" he kissed my head "I'll try but you don't look very sick to me" I Questioned him "I Wasn't sick I had some business to deal with didn't want to worry you" he replied "doesn't mean lie Max" i rolled my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me" he said stern "whatever" I got out the car and went home "Farah I'm going to murder you" my mom said as i walked through the door "do you know the amount of phone calls i have had today" she said "yes mother A lot has went down today and i was making sure Ying and Jacob where okay" i rolled my eyes "you should of called so i could make sure you where ok too" she said hugging me "i know mom thank you" i hugged her back "go upstairs and get rest" she replied "I am" i walked up the stairs "oh and mom call Landon he is your son and life is to short to stay mad at him" I said looking at her and she just nodded.

I woke up the next day with a massive headache and of course when I don't have school my body decides to wake me up early, I sent Maximo a Good morning text and went downstairs to make food "good Morning" my mom said "morning" i replied "how are you feeling today" she asked "not sure to be honest mom I feel empty" I looked at her "It will all get better soon that boy will do time and Amy will get Justice" she said handing me breakfast "that's all I can hope for" I toke the breakfast and went back to bed.

Dear dairy, ever felt so empty all you want to do is run away to the unknown where there's so much more than an ongoing nothingness I'm a strong woman but sometimes I need someone to be strong for me and help me when I cant battle it for myself.

Incoming Phone Call from Landon

I rolled my eyes not wanting to answer him "yes"

Farah I need you to come meet me

is there a reason at all for this

My girlfriend wants to meet you

can't she meet me another day

come on Farah

ok whatever

I hung up I didn't want to meet this Mira girl I never like any of my brothers 'girls' but she is carrying his baby so hopefully she actually got a personality about her I drove to the address he gave me the house was Massive and very modern looked like it had all just been redone, looks like my brother has found himself someone rich I walked up to the door and knocked.

"sister welcome" he said kissing my cheek he smelt of alcohol but I won't say anything "brother" I said hugging him "this way" he said pointing towards the great big living room door as we entered I seen a Old couple with a Girl with Blonde hair and bright green eyes "Farah This is John and Sandra Wallace" he said introducing us "nice to meet you both" I shaken both their hands "Landon has told us so much about You and your family" Mr Wallace stated "only good things I hope" I laughed "oh of course" The Wallace's both said with a little giggle "And this is Mira my Girlfriend" he walked over to her "You're a pretty one" I said smiling at her "can say the same about you" she smiled "could I get anyone some tea" Mrs Wallace asked "no thank you" I said smiling "yes please mom two sugars" Mira asked her mother "coming right up" she walked out the room with her husband.

"so how did you two meet" I said looking at the both of them "mutual friends" Landon said with a nervous look "yeah what he said" she said just agreeing now them doing that just made me not believe them "so Mira do you have any siblings?" I questioned "nope an only child In fact both of my Parents are only children too" she said with a giggle "do you not find that boring no cousins, aunts or uncles" I said in shock "not really all the attention for me" her and Landon laughed I could tell she was a girl who liked Attention from her personality so I just laughed with her.

"so do your parents know" I asked "yes we told them before Landon told you and your mom" she said "oh right" I looked at Landon he just stayed quiet most the time "ok here you go sweetheart you tea" Mrs Wallace said handing her the tea "thank you mom" she smiled "right we're off out now" Mr Wallace said "bye Guys" Landon said waving "love you both" Mira peeped up I just stayed silent until they left "well anyways I'm going to get going now bit Tired" I said trying to leave quickly "have a good day sis get home safe" Landon hugged me "nice meeting you" she hugged me too and I hugged her back and left.

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