Stone cold

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I was to be married in a week to this girl, I did in fact want to protect her for some odd reason being a female in the mafia doesn't give you protection it breaks and makes you and that's why I'm not with my soulmate I will not ruin her, but this girl was born into it there's no saving her but to make it easier yes I will do it, it will hurt Farah which stung more than a bee in the chest but it will help her move on and be happy without me but I will forever love her

"so you are to be married" Valentina said standing beside me looking out the window with me "it appears so doesn't it?" I asked sarcastically "It's a shame I never got to meet the girl you fell in love with little brother" she sighed "it is you would of liked her" I said lighting my cigarette "mother gave me this" she handed me a photo of a girl "who is it?" I asked taking it off her "It's your fiancé Yasmin Bardem" she smiled "she's a pretty one you must admit" she added on "she is a good looking woman" I admitted
Yasmin Bardem

"so you are to be married" Valentina said standing beside me looking out the window with me "it appears so doesn't it?" I asked sarcastically "It's a shame I never got to meet the girl you fell in love with little brother" she sighed "it is you wo...

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"Fratello" Valentina said looking at me "Sorella" I looked back at her "I'm sorry for what this life has done to you" she looked down and walked away "I'm sorry to" I sighed to myself

Farah's POV

I was at Landon and Mira's home when Mira showed me the news Of Maximo's engagement and pregnancy announcement "Farah have you seen this?" she said passing me her phone while cradling Emmy "what?" I had taken the phone and seen the news "oh" I added on "how the fuck can he move on so fast" she said in anger "urm I don't know" I shrugged holding back my sadness and disappointment part of me thought he would come back

"she's pretty" I added on and Mira looked at me "he has a type" she rolled her eyes which she was right me and this girl we're both brunette and green eyed "trying to replace me" I made a snarky comment and laughed "That's my girl" Mira laughed with me "Oh God what's that smell?" I questioned and held my nose "seems little Madam Has shit herself again" Mira said lifting her up and laughing and so did I "yeah you go deal with that"

I was in pain it was heartbreak all coming back I wanted to be his wife and the mother of his children how did this girl get all that in a fucking couple of weeks it pissed me off I was angry at myself for even thinking that we could've worked how pathetic could I have been, I needed to move on I couldn't cry over a married man

then my phone blow up from the Groupchat it seemed they all knew about the news and wanted to know if I was okay

message to Groupchat

Guys stop I am okay.

message from Jacob Groupchat

do not lie to me girl *eyeroll emoji*

message to Groupchat

Jake don't I'm ok there's no point in being upset

message from Thalia

good, you need to move on like he has done

Message to Groupchat

I'm focusing on my career.

message from Alfie Groupchat

best thing *thumbs up emoji*

message from Jacob Groupchat

*shaking head emoji* you people are all so dumb to think she's ok

message to Groupchat

I am trust me

message from Alfie Groupchat

just stop talking about it yeah?

message to Groupchat

thank you

message from Jacob Groupchat


I stopped texting them it just reminded me of what I can no longer have and it did hurt of course it did when you fall in love your heart doesn't just let you move on or forget what you guys had it's a constant reminder that the one you love doesn't love you.


A week had passed it was the day of Maximo's wedding to Yasmin and tomorrow was the day I start NYU which is an upside for this week I couldn't wait

Maximo's POV

I was to be married in 1 hour to a girl I've never said one word to, but I had to do it for the benefit of the Mafia and the girls future I was proud of myself for going through with it I knew it was hurting people it was hurting me inside marrying a woman I will never love and holding a promise to another is this really what my life will come down to?


at the wedding

"are you sure you want to do this boss?" Leo asked quietly "don't asked questions Leo" I sighed and he shut up I could see Yasmin's father and mother in the crowd watching me like a hawk I wanted to roll my eyes but I didn't then the music started and I saw her walking down the isle on her own her father didn't stand up which was strange

"we are gathered today to wed Yasmin Bardem and Maximo Anton" as the pastor said that everyone sat down and watched a love less marriage happen I didn't listen to what he was saying at all I just waited for this shit to be over and then the pastor said "you may kiss the bride" and my heart stopped but I done it anyway and everyone cheered and me and Yasmin walked down the isle to be alone and finally have our first conversation

"thank you" she said with a scared tone of voice "don't thank me" I kept a straight face "but without you agreeing I wouldn't even be able to be stood here" she smiled slightly "you're welcome then" I smiled and turned away from her "look I know you don't care for me my sister told me all about Farah" she piped up "don't mention her" I gave her a look

"I was just saying it's ok as I will be seeing my boyfriend in this marriage still" she nodded "don't get caught" I rolled my eyes "I will not risk my power over you" I added walking away from her

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